The Color Run

Before I was diagnosed with early breast cancer earlier this month, I had registered to take part in The Color Run this year which will be taking part on Saturday, 13th September 2015 - my venue is Adelaide.
Prior to my diagnosis I had been part of an outdoor personal training group since February 2014 and aside from weight loss and increased fitness, gained a number of friendships and even took part in my first fun run this year, the Mother's Day Classic (a bit ironic now considering my recent diagnosis).
I used to run at school - that being some 30 odd years ago - so now I just shuffle long at my own pace and last Saturday morning managed to shuffle over 9kms in our "Endurance" session. I am hoping to continue with my training up until the date of my surgery which is booked for the second week in August.
I am still determined to take part in The Color Run and have nominated BCNA as my preferred charity as a simple way of saying thank you for the invaluable material I have received.
If appropriate the link to my fundraising page is here and if anyone is interested in sharing the link as a way of helping support this wonderful organisation, then please do so. I won't be promising record times - I am only hoping to finish the race.
Well done Lunanoire, sounds like youre plugging away there. Just keep aiming for the target, even if it's in little bites. You'll get there in the end. Best of wishes for your upcoming treatment. Tracey B ??