My Trip

Today I realised that I actually feel good. I have just got back from a holiday to celebrate the end of active treatment and have gone back to work. I have had a busy week at work and have finished the week tired but not exhausted like I was before I went away. Febuary last year when I was diognised I didn't think I would get to the end of treatment. It is such a long trip (can't call it journey) and everytime I went back to docs it was always bad news.
For all the newbies I know it feels like it will never end and your life is full of doc appointments, surgery and treatments hang in there it will get better. Take care laugh alot and take it one day at a time.
Thanks Rowdy, is good to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and to hear from someone who's reached it. It does still feel like it's a long way away. All the best for your continued health,
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Liking your outlook.. I use path or experience.. Mine would be a journey that never ends lol..
it is an amazing thing when you have "that" moment when you realise that the crappy, hard and never ending blur days are wonderfully beginning to be outweighed by something that is so much better.
hugs to you
Sharon (pink66) xoxoxo
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How good to hear this:):) I know what you mean though,and I also feel great now,in fact better than I have ever felt.I have energy to burn !! Cheers Robyn xox
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Thanks everyone I don't think I'm quite where you are Robyn but it does look positive.Sending everyone hugs and a smile and don't forget to laughxx
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Good on you Rowdy, you are an inspiration to the rest of us who are still plugging along there with treatments, and the associated setbacks. So glad for you that you had a well earned holiday. It gives you a little bit of normal, and energy for the next bits. Sending you a cuddle, Tracey B ????
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Hi Rowdy, great message. I am feeling good as well, since finishing treatment in May 2014. Like everybody, I felt at the time that things were never going to be good again, so it's good for people undergoing treatment to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Cheers,
Hazel xx
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Woohoo, Go you!!! Glad I got to meet you and share alaugh or two. Take it easy...
Paula xxxx