Write your own story

I have written & self published my own children's book called Eric the Echidna Has Lost His Spikes. I did a print run of 2000 & have donated $3000 from the sale of the book to Breast Cancer charities. It gave me something to focus on whilst I underwent my treatment & gave me hope that I would survive in order to one day read it to my grandchildren. I had one more story in me that I wanted to publish, but I was over always chasing money from retailers when my book was left on consignment. I decided to go about printing it in another way and only print one copy for me. I thought other ladies might want to do a book for themselves. And yes it is possible if you are handy with a computer & able to draw. I'm not the best drawer in the world but am happy with the results. Perhaps if you can't draw then use a camera & take photos that apply to your story & use one of the online photo book companies to make your very own book. Navigate through their software to add text & your pictures that you have drawn & scanned in, or photos that you have taken. It gives you a sense of achievement & a lot of delight to read it to the little people in your life. (I'm still waiting)
My online book is the one on the left & my self published book is the one on the right.