HIT Member Posts: 261
edited 2015 15 in Health and wellbeing

Hello all

Just got home from work a while ago.  Down in the dumps.  Got on the BCNA site and 1hr later got up and washed my sheets (I noticed the sun is shining and a lovely breeze) and got some sewing out and have cut and sewed a patchwork block!!  And got on the treadmill (it was actually still on from last night - member now went to loo - and never got back) Remember a lot while looking at the site.  Sheets especially, had a giggle.  Pretty sure that the day after chemo every 3 weeks was the only time I changed them!!  And that was because without fail I would wet the bed the day after chemo!!!

So even though I've got lots of small niggles, I feel tons better.  And I read an old post from one of you ladies about the neuropathy and that hers went after 1yr 3 months!!  So there is still hope.  Also read about ladies going for a run straight after chemo - oh wow - Still can't run with my feet as they are.  But maybe soon.

Question - My feet especially are not really tingly - I can feel but not as well as before - they are more stiff - ie bending my toes feels like its pulling on the sole and bending my ankles feels like its pulling on my calf and foot?? Still neuropathy you reckon?? As I was also diog with thyroid probs after chemo and after doing a bit of reading on Dr Google thyroid can affect your nerves as well?? Makes me wonder.

So I may look like my mother when using stairs (she is in her 90's) and when walking, but I will pull my big girl sox on and get back to looking after myself better (I dropped my bundle a bit in the last couple of months).



  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited 2015 16

    Hi Pam,this is a great post,telling it like it is! We are all so different after chemo aren't we? I didn't have neuropathy,but I feel it's because I only had 4 cycles.I have trouble with muscle cramps in my feet and calf muscles now though ,but I'm pretty sure it's because of my Tamoxifen.If I stretch my legs out too far,they suddenly lock up and go into a sort of spasm!!! I take blackmores magmin( magnesium) and I take 4 tablets a day. It's amazing,and actually almost totally stops it.My leg cramps at night are helped by it too.I was interested to read that you are doing a patchwork block.I a, about to start on my first attempt at a patchwork quilt,for my daughter,as she is expecting her first baby.I have read up lots about it,but,if I get stuck I will know where to come lol.Keep smiling and keep in touch.Cheers Robyn xox

  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    edited 2015 16

    Thanks Robyn  My patchwork quilts look great - from a distance!!  The letter sounded a bit weird when I read it back.  Reading this site just makes me feel more normal, and there unfortunately is always someone worse off.  But its amazing isnt it, I hadn't even noticed the lovely day when I first got home and then like magic its there.  Hopefully in another few months I can get on here and say I've never felt better too!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited 2015 16

    Hi Pam, so glad to hear that you are feeling better and getting on with the new normal. We're all affected differently and have to learn how to manage our side effects and symptoms. I hope that you eventually rid yourself of that numbness. Take care, Tracey B ??