a new challenge 9/7/2015

Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed on Thursday with stage 3, triple negative, inflammatory breast cancer not sure yet about lymph nodes etc. I have had pain in my left breast since January with GP's explaining it as menopause symptoms, an infection and then periductal mastitis. I saw the specialist that I am now going to be friendly with for a while on July 1 and three biopsies and 1 week later life is slightly different.
Am off for CT scan, mammogram and full body bone scan this week, then I guess its full steam ahead. Would love to hear from others about their journey and what I need to be asking the medical team about.
Hi Wendy.
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I'maround 7 weeks since I found outIt he lump I had was an invasivee ductul carcinoma.
I've had 2 surgeries, lumpectomy, sentinelnode biopsy, then second surgery 2 weeks later, axillery node dissection. Awaiting treatment plans from here.
You have definitely come to the right place for support and to chat touotgers about what your going through.
The support and answered questions on here has been invaluable to me and a great source of comfort.
So much positivity and love.
It's a wonderful site.
I'm not able personally to answer or give you feed back, as mine us different. But no doubt you will shortly hear from others that can interact with you and share their experiences and help you along the way.
Will be saying prayers for you and thinking of you often.
Cheers, Karen ??????
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Sorry about the spelling mistakes, I was doing it on my phone, and it keeps auto correcting, lol..:)
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Thanks Karen I guess there is no one solution but I am really glad I came upon this group - one positive thing from dr google! Your journey seems more like a rollercoaster at the moment. Thinking of you and looking forward to further chats.
take care
BTW totally get how frustrating auto correct is. My phone regularly decides what I mean to say ;-)
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Hi Wendy,
Firstly, you have found the best place to come for understanding and support. The women on this site and wonderful, and have experienced everything you will go through as you start treatment.
I am also triple negative bc, and was diagnosed Stage 2a Grade 3. Do you mean Grade 3? We tnbc's are nearly all Grade 3 when diagnosed. I had a bilateral mastectomy, 12 weekly chemos, and radiation. Due to family history I also had a hysterectomy afterwards. There isn't much that I didn't experience, so ask anything you want.
I want you to know that now, 3 years later, I feel very fit and strong and life is back to what we call the 'new normal'. With a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a positive outlook you can really help yourself to fight this thing. At first it is terrifying. Just take one day at a time, keep a notebook, stay as busy as you can even just round the house.
There is a great group called Triple Negative bc onsite - the search box will take you there - feel free to read our stories by clicking the profiles.
All the best with your checkups - we are lucky to have such a great health system here. Let us know how you go. Big hug.
xxx Michelle
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Hi Michelle,
you're right I am grade 3. From memory of what was a challenging diagnosis last Thursday the surgeon will confirm stage through the tests this week. This is certainly a massive learning curve. Trying to keep busy, staying positive and supporting my family to come to terms with our new challenge.
I am sure I will be around for many posts and discussions. Thank you for sharing.
wendy xx
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The thing with breast cancer is, I think you will find, that there is a pretty standard process you go thru depending upon your type of cancer. You just need to get thru those crazy busy few days at the start where they run every test known to mankind.
For me, my breast care nurse was with me at each step. So while I was second guessing ten steps ahead, she encouraged me to just work thru the next step.
The start is the hardest. You are in limbo a bit. Once your treatment plan starts then you can start counting the days till it is over. Best wishes.
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Hi Wendy, welcome to the network and. I hope that you get the support and information that you need here. I had a mastectomy for lobular and ductal cancer in February. Just coming up to my last chemo on 21st July, the will start radiation in August. My tumours were oestrogen positive, so I will need to take oestrogen suppressant medication, along with osteoporosis preventative, and calcium and vit D for around 5 years. We all have different order of treatments depending on our situations. I hope that your treatment goes well for you. ??