I find some of the personal messages I receive are not registering on the meter next to my messages BUT they appear in my TRASH box. I have alerted BCNA some weeks ago but it has not been fixed.
So, if you have not heard from someone as per usual do check your Trash box.
Regards to all
Summer :-(
I am having the same problems. I know I have answered blogs of late, and must assume that no one else has made a comment, as I never ever receive a message. I seem to get messages posted from the breast reconstruction group, but general ones like how they use to appear are not showing. I really still do not like this new site at all. It is very slow to go between pages or open up comments, and I would love some feed back with blogs I have answered. It use to be good to be able to follow the conversations. I find the fleeting Live feed that shows now is too quick to follow, and as soon as you move to another page it has gone. I wonder how many of the old regulars like me are still persevering with this new blog site? It use to be such a good site, but now it just frustrates me.
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Hi Chris
I agree with you 100%.The site just has to get better !
Yes, some 'oldies' have given up on it which is a real shame, that is why I put up posts like I do, even if it frustrates the BCNA ladies. I do miss seeing advice from Deanna for 'newies' and her comments are always very sensible.
At the minute I cannot use Internet Explorer at all. It shows a huge pink lady but the remainder of the screen is there if you scroll down far enough but when I log in I get nowhere - I hang in cyberspace ! I've told Daina but as she is busy it won't be attended to this week, apparently.
Do you also keep an eye on your 'Live Feed' area ? This is how I found your comment above.
It is freezing where I live so I am going back in to the fire !
Keep in touch via the private message side if you'd like.
Summer :-)