Working towards a new kind of normal

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
edited June 2015 in Day to day

Hi Everyone, I've had a really exciting week and thought that I'd share something positive. Had docetaxel chemo last week, and through all the side effects, found out that I'd sold 2 paintings. Wow! So that kept me feeling a bit buoyed that there is something more out there than just sick. On This coming Friday, I'm going to Bathurst at the Charles Sturt Uni for a week at the Mitchell Scool of Arts. Bloody awesome to do something more with my art, and forge forward. Keep smiling, Trace xxxx 


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited June 2015

    Hi Tracey

    Wow, that's so exciting. I've seen the photos of your work that you've posted, just beautiful. Keep it up


  • Jess_BCNA
    Jess_BCNA Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2015

    Your work is fantastic, so I'm not surprised someone snatched them up :-) congratulations Tracey! Keep up the good work! Cant wait to see your next artwork! 

  • Kazzi
    Kazzi Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2015


    You're an inspiration!  That's wonderful about your artwork.  I love the posts of your art. Such a positive experience.

    Karen xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited June 2015

    Thanks everyone for your support, you are all awesome. When I first got my diagnosis, it seemed like huge hurdles to overcome, but staying positive and linking on to this site has been of great help to me. You are all a fantastic bunch xxxx ??????