I've finally had my surgery

Hi Everyone,
I had my Surgery last Wednesday and I'm feeling great except I get a little tired in the afternoon, I didn't have as much pain as I thought I would, my lump was smaller than the surgeon thought so he said he was able to get quite a large margin around the Cancer and only had to remove 1 Lymph Node he was going to take 2 but the 2nd one was behind the chest cavity and didn't need removing, I'm just glad the Surgery is over and now I can concentrate on moving on to the next stage in my treatment but he said getting over the surgery first is important my husband and I took our daughter to see Inside Out yesterday as it was my birthday and today we are going to a Birthday Party being School Holidays she's getting bored, so hopefully we can go shopping so I can buy my Smart Phone as my Mother In Law gave me $100 for my Birthday so I'll just get a Prepaid one and put my Sim Card in it. I'm just pleased the bc is out of me and I can now move on with my recovery once the results are back.
Big Cyber Hug and Smiles
Anita (glad to be back talking to everyone)
Awesome news Anita, and welcome back. It' was better for me once I had my surgery, and got my pathology results. Give yourself time to recover and rest up. Hope that you're feeling on top of it soon xxx Tracey B ??
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Hi Tracey,
I'm feeling a bit tired this afternoon but I just took my daughter to a birthday party it was great to get out and see my friends I haven't seen since before surgery and be among kids playing again I always feel so happy when I'm around my daughter and her friends and yes I'll be glad to get my pathology results back on the 9th July when I go see my surgeon at least we can make plans for the rest of my recovery then move on. Talk to you soon
big cyber hug anit
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Yah Anita .
Great news surgery and recovery is going so well.
I've been keeping an eye out for your post wondering how it all went.
Would of been nice to have those outings and feel a sense of normality again hey.
I'm back in for round 2 surgery tomorrow, 16 days after the first surgery.
I'm looking forward to sitting up in my bed tomorrow arvo with it al behind me ??
Praying for healthier days ahead for us all .
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Hi Kazza,
I'm hoping my surgeon doesn't tell me I have to have more surgery but he might tell me I have to have Chemo he did mention it when he discharged me pending on my test results. I hope your surgery goes all well and I look forward to hearing from you on how you are doing, my thoughts and prayers are with you the only person I feel that really understands what you are going through is someone else who is also going through bc. I'm sending lots of smiles and hugs your way and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Hope to hear from you when you are feeling better,
Lots of Cyber Hugs and Smiles
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Hi Anita,
That's fantastic news. So pleased for you.
Take time to recover and rest. School holidays are nice.
All the best with recovery and pathology results.
Karen xx
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Hi Anita,
Well done on having the surgery and I wish you well with your recovery. I had low grade DCIS and my 2nd surgery (in a month) was back in May and my surgeon took out a larger margin but unfortunately my cancer cells had increased and some had started to become invasive. That's why I had to have my mastectomy.
Wishing you well
Rachel H
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Hi Karen,
How are you feeling? I'm feeling okay today but I find it hard to look at my surgery site without getting upset but I suppose that's normal I don't really know. I got a little worried when my doctor mentioned maybe Chemo but definatley Radiotherapy, I wasn't expecting him to say that unless he knows something but wants to know for sure I get my Pathology results on 9th of July I guess I will definatly know then, then do what he tells me. I'll talk to you soon.
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Hi Rachel,
I'm recovering quite well I could lift my arm for the first time today but I get grossed out when I see the surgery site but I guess that's normal. I hope everything goes well for you my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time, when do you get your Pathology results back? I get mine on the 9th of July.
I'm wishing the best for you,
Lots of Cyber Hugs and Smiles,
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Hi Kazza,
How are you feeling after your Surgery? I hope all is going well. It was nice to get out on my Birthday and I try and get out of the house as much as I can, I hope you can too when you are feeling better. The movie INSIDE OUT might cheer you up we loved it we hope to take our daughter to see Minions next as my Husband really wants to see it we all do life is to precious as I have discovered now.
Talk to you soon,
Cyber Hugs and lots of Smiles and Laughter