I'm worried my surgery is on Wednesday

Hi there Ladies,
I have my Nuclear Test tomorrow before Surgery on Wednesday at 8.00am, what I want to know is does the Nuclear test cause pain or discomfort maybe I sound like a chicken but I'm just curious. I can't complain as my poor little dog is dieting before our eyes it puts everything into perspective I just want to move onto the next step in my recovery anyway I hope someone can answer my question I enjoy talking to everyone, talk to you soon.
kind regards
big cyber hugs Anitaxxx
Hi Anita, I am not sure if this is what you are having but I have had heart gate scans several times. It does not hurt at all but you are radioactive for a little while. All the best for your surgery. You will feel so much better once surgery is over, I know I did. I had a double mastectomy a couple a weeks a go and I am feeling quite good now.
All the best. Lorraine xx
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Hi Lorraine,
I'm having a Nuclear Test that my surgeon can see the results so he knows what Lymph nodes to take out during the surgery and where they are located apparently from what I just read in one of the books out of the my journey kit it says they do the nuclear test before the surgery and inject some sort of blue dye during the surgery well I'll find out after surgery I suppose when I see my surgeon after the operation I just want to move on to the next step as I have total and absolute faith in my surgeon as he's been my surgeon for years, thanks for your message of support I really appreciate it.
talk to you later
big cyber hugs Anita
I'm glad your surgery went well.
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Hello Anita
A simple answer to your question is that it will depend where they have to inject the dye but they say it will "feel like a bee sting". Yes, mine hurt like a big bee sting but it is for one second only. I told the man if it hurt me I would hurt him (pretending to hold his bits !) so the laughter helped.
They keep you at a machine so they can watch the progress of the dye via the pictures (you are well outside the machine) and that will depend on how long your body takes to move the fluid around.
As soon as they see which node/s it heads for they take the picture, make a dot or two on you and you are on your way out again.
Good luck and keep in touch.
Summer :-)
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OK, I do recall having a test where I was injected with blue dye awhile back I don't remember it being painful. I am not very good with pain,so I would remember. My treatment plan is a little different as I had chemo before surgery.
Cheers, Lorraine
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Hi Anita, I know that once I had all my scans and knew my prognosis, that I was able to better discuss a treatment plan with my surgeon. I had a 6cm lobular cancer with a separate ductal cancer and involvement of 5 lymph nodes. Following the scans they couldn't see cancer anywhere else, so that made me feel more positive about planning ahead. I've been given a second chance at life, and am embracing each day. Hope that it all goes well for you. Sending you a cyber hug back xxx Tracey B ??
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Hi Anita I had this I don't remember it hurting to much more uncomfortable as you are lying on a hard bed. The other thing is if it is the same as I had you will be peeing blue for a while.
Good luck I'm sure it will go well, it is good to get it over and done with.
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I found the biopsy more intense and harder so when it came to this nuclear dye procedure I asked for meds and that took the edge off of things but I've got a thing about needles but I didn't find it bad at all and the being pushed into machine painless although intense helps me to close eyes : I had mine done the day before op. Good thing about this test as opposed to biopsy is that I could deep breathe and focus on that which was difficult to do with biopsy. Best wishes
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Hi Mona,
Thanks for your reply I'm getting less worried now and more like get my surgery over with, the problem I'm having now is I am having a really croaky throat but I'm not sick or have a cold I just hope my surgery goes ahead as planned I think it will it happens mainly at night and first thing in the morning, I suppose it could be nerves I've known I have Breast Cancer since May 9th and now I'm just glad the surgery's tomorrow morning it makes it harder when my 9 year old daughter won't go to sleep until I read her at least 6 books she loves to read and we're extremely close sometimes joined at the hip, it's going to be hard not being able to read to her over the next couple of days maybe I can take one of her favourite books and read to her over the phone while I'm in hospital thinking of her makes all this pain and treatment worthwhile because she's my life and with treatment these days I'll be able to see her grow up and luckily my bc is early bc stage 1 so far if it's in the lymph nodes from what i've read it will get upgraded even if it does i'm ok with that, my test is at 1.00pm today and surgery is at 8.00am tomorrow so this time tomorrow i'll be getting ready to go to hospital. I hope to chat again soon.
big cyber hug anita.
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Hi Anita. I also don't remember it hurting too much at all. Best wishes for your surgery. We will all be thinking of you. Chris.x
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Hi Anita
So glad to hear that your surgery is tomorrow.
I just said to my daughter I must hop on hear as I think this lady Anita is due for surgery tomorrow.
Just wanted to encourage you to get through it well.
I had the nuclear injections, scans 10 days ago. It was way better than I could of hoped for, the tiniest of stings that don't even last a second or so. Then followed up by waiting a bit to see it has travelled through, followed up by the scans as mentioned in an earlier comment.
The process takes a little while, but the staff were great. My daughter was allowed to be with me through most of it, and held my hand, lol.
I also took in headphones and some christian music. Helped pass time and me to relax.
The blue dye was injected into my breast during the surgery itself. I apparently looked like a blue smurf after surgery, haha, but I always drink lots of water, so the urine and my skin colour went back to normal very quickly. My only regret was not getting a picture of the smurf face, lol.
I'm sure you will do well my friend, we are all here for you. Look forward to hearing from you after surgery when your up to it.
Smiles, love and prayers to you..:)
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Hi Chris, not long to go now I have to get up in 3 hours except I can't sleep but I got more sleep than I thought I would I guess I was just so wiped out from the test I had the 4 injections about 2 were just like a mozzie bite but 2 hurt a bit more they might have been closer to the cancer, they let me lay there for about an hour then went for the scans and had to have another injection of radiation as the first lot of dye didn't show anything which I was told might happen, so I had to lay there for another hour but my husband stayed with me the whole time thank god eventually we had lift off and the scans got done but it all left me quite tired but when I got home I wasn't tired so I thought here we go no sleep tonight but I was wrong, i'm a little scared but I have a brilliant surgeon and I know he'll look after me and a supportive husband and daughter and very supportive network of friends so i'll be just fine have to be at the hospital at 7.00am which means we have to leave at 6.15am so it's going to be a long day, but the support i've received on here has helped me so much because you feel so alone sometimes talking to other women in my shoes has been awesome and I thank you all i'll post how i'm doing in a couple of days thanks for your support big cyber hug Anitaxxx
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Hi Kazza,
Well I had my surgery last wednesday and I got released on Friday as my surgeon wanted me to have an extra day in hospital to rest as he knows I have a lot on my plate at home my family has been amazing especially as our little dog has cancer also but it's only a matter of time for him. It was my birthday yesterday and I've never been so happy to celebrate my birthday and my life, my drain was only removed on Friday but I haven't had any swelling or anything just an enormous amount of bruising and the occasional discomfort, I'm recovering very well and my daughter Angelena has been so sweet if I'm resting she helps me up if I need it as she doesn't want me to hurt my arm, my Breast Nurse is wonderful she came to see me everyday and it really helped, I don't care about only having a little of my breast left I'm alive and I'm able to celebrate life I go back and see my Surgeon on the 9th of July for my results but I'm not worried I want to kick cancers but and get better I've too much living to do. I hope you are doing well, talk to you soon it's good to be back.
Big Cyber Hug and lots of smiles to you and your family.