Muscle & Joint pain from medication used to remove Oestrogen from my body

Hi. I am just wondering if there is anyone out there like me? I have travelled the Breast Cancer journey for over 12 months now having a Mastectomy for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in March last year. I had one lymph node involved and had Chemotherapy and Radiation. This week I had a full Hysterectomy as risk reduction surgery. My current medication prior to surgery was Aromasin daily tablets and Zoladex monthly injections. These were to stop my body producing Oestrogen. I will no longer need the injections due to the hysterectomy.
My understanding is that the Aromasin & Zoladex combination is a fairly new treatment. They stop my body from producing Oestrogen which fed my Breast Cancer. I suffer really badly with muscle and joint pain as a side effect of the drugs. One Dr suggested I go on to either Krill Oil, Fish Oil or Evening Primrose Oil as they can relieve muscle and joint pain. I chose to go on Evening Primrose Oil and it has relieved it to some extent and I am thankful for that.
I was wondering if anyone else has suffered like this? Can anyone suggest other treatments? I am looking into anti inflammatory diets but don't know if this will help any. I just think that there must be more people out there like me with a similar story? Hoping to hear from someone.
Hi:) I had the same diagnosis as you,but I am on Tamoxifen.Would this be an option? I am 60, and am only on it because of my advanced osteoporosis.I suffer with muscle cramps,and I take 4 magmin ( blackmores) magnesium tablets,daily.Two in the morning,and two in the afternoon.It makes a huge difference to my muscle cramps,but I'm not sure if it's the same for you. I am sure that others will come on here with the same treatment as you.Cheers Robyn
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Thank you Robyn. I couldn't go on Tamoxifen due to the blood clotting history in my family (my Dad passed away at 36 from a clot to his lungs). I will however mention the magnesium tablets to my oncologist next time I see them. I don't have muscle cramps just pain and weakness. Thanks so much for your suggestion. Donna
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I was on femara and zoladex, I had a hysterectomy and ovary removal 4 months ago , I therefore stopped the zoladex , my god the bone and muscle pain decreased by at least 80percent, now I only suffer feet pain, I also ditched the fish oil as I have a rare blood disorder and I can't take it, I've upped the magnesium and this seems to have also helped. Adean .
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Oh that sounds so hopeful. Thanks for that. I hope I have the same result with a dramatic decrease in pain.
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By the way Adean, I have been living in Birkenstock shoes for months now due to the foot pain and they are wonderful.
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How soon after your surgery did you experience the decrease in pain Adean? I was on painkillers several days after the op a week ago and I didn't have any pain. As the days are progressing the pain is returning just like before the op.
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Hi Donna, I realised after my surgery that when I was just about due for my normal zoladex it thought oh my pain has nearly gone, my knees were the worst with extreme stiffness, but it just went look I do get pain but it's not everyday and night like before, I was on tamoxifen and the pain was worse with that, ensuring my feet are warm and using voltaren gel on them works well, I'm actualy documenting the pain and want to see if there is any pattern. But I think thank goodness I'm alive. Adean x
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Too right....thank goodness we are alive and I am so thankful for the medical staff and what we have available to us. My knees and ankles have also been pretty bad so am hopeful I have reprieve like you Adean.