Celebrate with me

Hello there ladies,
Next year is my 5th year anniversary of my Breast Cancer Diagnosis. I am now writing my book titled "Single Breasted woman" (although it may change to Single Breasted Women). I am writing it as a celebration of life, detailing my journey from just before my diagnosis up to next year some time.
I also want to add a tribute to all women who have had breast cancer and the best way I know how to do that is to share with the rest of the world their stories. So if you would like to contribute to this book and have your story published in the second part of it titled "A Tribute to Womanhood" then please let me know. I would like to have about 1000 words typed, or written in your own words what your journey has meant to you and how you have become a stronger survivor because of it. My intention is to raise funds by having all profits go toward the BCNA for the wonderful work that they do for all of us women in the Pink.
I will be publishing it hopefully,by the end of April, or mid May next year as the anniversary of my diagnosis is 26th May.Also, I intend for this book to be available in both Print and E-Book form (Kindle) If you are on the shy side, I am willing to use an alias so that your real identity is protected. Or if you are very shy and choose not to go along with this, then perhaps you may know someone else who has gone through this journey and would like to contribute. No photos will be added to and no information or names will be added into without anyone's express permission!
Thank you for your time