My breast surgeon is retiring....

Today I had my last appointment with my wonderful breast surgeon who has been with me since my initial diagnosis in 2009. He performed a lumpectomy then and then in 2011 when I had my recurrence he again performed surgery and did my mastectomy. Two years later when I had my double reconstruction he was there again to perform the other mastectomy. So he has been a part of my life for 6 1/2 years. He's had to tell me twice I have had aggressive triple negative breast cancer. He has always been so caring and respectful and always listened to my concerns. I remember him stroking my arm before my first mastectomy (not in a wierd way), and telling the anaesthetist how I had had a really tough time when I was diagnosed the second time. He is getting on and deserves his retirement. He has been training a young new surgeon who surely has big shoes to fill. Hopefully he has taught her well.
I bought him a bottle of wine today to say thanks and he gave me a big hug and told me I had been through more than many and he admired me for how I had handled it all. I must admit to leaving with a tear in my eye.
Even though I had the recurrence, I am still in awe of how he helped save my life. I feel very grateful for having him in my life. I feel very grateful to have been given my second chance twice (does that make it a third chance .
To all you newbies out there take comfort in the fact that we live in a country with a good health care system and many talented surgeons. The road may seem long but trust me even with a few hiccups there is every chance that you like me will be telling your stories to other new ladies in years to come.
love to you all.
Paula xxx
Hi Paula, he sounds really lovely and I'm sure you must feel sad to see him move on, although as you say, he deserves his retirement. You are right, we are lucky to have access to not only some amazingly skilled surgeons and doctors in this country, but it is an absolute bonus when they are as genuinely warmhearted and caring as your surgeon obviously is. Jane xx
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Well said, Paula. We are so lucky to have the plethora of specialists available to us in Australia.
You're post brought a tear to my eye, in a happy way ??
All the best for a long, healthy future
Shellie oxox
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Hi Jane,
I have been blessed with a wonderful team looking after me. All very caring and warm hearted. It's also a comfort belonging to a great site like this. My only regret is that I did not discover it until after two surgeries and two lots of treatment. It's been a god send since I did discover it before my third surgery and reconstruction. So blessed to have support and also be able to support others.
Love to you.
Paula xxx
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Thanks Shellie.
Hope you are traveling wel.
Paula x