Cancer Cures (yeah right)

Hi ladies,
I've been having so much thrown at me on facebook that there are cures for cancer & it's being hidden from us due to the 'cures' not being able to be patented & people are curing their own cancers following their own natural treatments.
I've been told because I have had chemo that there is a 3% chance of survival & when it comes back it will be more aggressive & more people die from chemo than from cancer. I am wondering if any of you ladies have had this from people online advising you on what they would do & how people have cured or are currently curing their cancer. I am following someone who was interviewed on tv about refusing treatment but for obvious reasons wasn't allowed to say what treatment she was doing as desperate people who are in shock at the thought of chemo could do what she's doing & it turns into a disaster.
I'd also be interested if anyone knows someone who did have malignant invasive cancer who cured themselves without chemo, or if you've done so yourselves. I was thrown off a site because I mentioned Simon O'Donnell who had chemo in 1987 & is still alive & cancer free, I'm worried that people will follow what is said & find themselves with terminal cancer so I think it's dangerous to be putting these treatments online advising people not to go the chemo routine.
Wondered what you ladies think and if you know of any stories that worked or failed. Please don't mention any natural treatments being used as I really do worry desperate people who are afraid of chemo might try other methods & it could spell disaster.
Thanks for listening. Put me out of my misery & assure me that Drs are not hiding the cure because it doesn't bring in the amount of money that chemo does for pharmaceutical companies.
Kind regards and best wishes to all who are going or about to go through chemo, try to laugh your way through it & you might make some long time friends on your journey. xx
Hi Debbie
I did chemo etc as I was told by my breast surgeon that all of his patients who went down the alternative treatment path are dead. I have met people who have left conventional treatment to go down the alternative route and they have come back to conventional treatment worse off than they were before. I don't know whether the medical professional lies to us or not. Who knows if the treatment works or not? I just figure that you can only make an educated decision on the information that you have. I too have been told you should do this or you should do that! I've also been told that I got cancer because I drink coke zero, I don't exercise enough , I eat too much sugar, I stress to much etc etc. the fact is, cancer is a disease. It doesn't matter if you look after yourself perfectly or not. Yes there are things that you can do to reduce your risks but the fact is if you are going to get it, you're going to get it. I don't smoke, drink alcohol, I breast fed my children etc etc. I feel that everyone has to make a decision on their treatment for themselves. There are no guarantees when it comes to cancer and cancer treatments. We all hope that what we do is beat this is going to beat this. I reckon just do the best you can do and live each day to the best that you can. I choose to ignore all of the armchair experts.
Karen xox
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Hi Karen,
Thanks for your reply & I'm sorry you've been told zero coke, sugar etc gave you cancer. I tell those people I'd rather enjoy my coke, chocolate etc & take my chances than go to a diet which I hated & live longer. One of the radiation ladies said she thinks we all have cancer in us but something triggers it which she said is just her opinion, not a scientific opinion. So mine was estrogen based but stress was the trigger which makes sense when I first saw the Oncologist & she read my life story & sat back & said "no wonder you have cancer" which surprised me. When I look back to starting on the pill my blood pressure went high so I had to only take the mini pill due to estrogen. Nobody really knows what causes cancer & like you say, I live each day & eat what I like, don't smoke & if it comes back then it comes back. I trust my Drs & it gave them no joy to put me on chemo but they didn't want to risk letting it go & having it spread.
Debbie xx
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Hi Debbie,
From everything I've read and seen in my short life of 48 years is that cancer doesn't discriminate and I need to do everything in my power to heal which means following advice from those who are educated in the field of medicine.
After my diagnosis, I've had some one say I should change my diet. Whatever that means? A diet of moderation healthy eating, high fibre, low processed food is what I've eaten anyway. Breast fed 2 kids for 13 months each. Exercised 4 times a week, non smoker but enjoyed a glass of wine with dinner. I've given up asking why. That's not the question any more.
I agree with Karen in her earlier comment. You make a decision based on the information at hand. I've seen a person, with a different cancer, regretting their decision for rejecting conventional medicine and for it to be too late.
I'm about to start chemo, awaiting recovery from mastectomy first and need to still see the medical oncologist.
I've warned all my friends and family not to go to dr google and to only go to recommended websites for info. My 16 yo daughter has read the whole bcna breast cancer info book cover to cover!
The journey continues
Karen xx
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Hi Debbie,
I read a lot of info on alternative therapies and had some people tell me not to have chemo. radiation or a mastectomy (I have had all three now), I was not brave enough to give up on conventional medicine. I have chosen to change my diet, exercise more and I did two alternative therapies which I am continuing to do. I just got back my pathology results from the mastectomy and they found no viable cancer cells in the tissue removed which is great news and I am convinced that the alternative therapies played a part in this. If not helping cure my cancer then definitely helping my immune system repair my body after chemo and radiation. Not everything you read is correct but some of it is and some if it makes really good sense. I feel better for at least trying things that seemed to have worked for many other people but I have also done all of the treatments that my Doctors have told me to. It can't hurt to do them all and it gives me peace of mind to know that I have done everything I can to ensure it doesn't come back. I have too much to live for and don't plan on going anywhere. Good luck.
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HI Debbie,
I had well meaning friends provide me with information on cancer cures and that the health industry were hiding cures for purely financial reasons. I chose to ignore such information. I researched the treatment that my doctor suggested and I am coming up to 3 years post diagnosis and 2 years post treatment. I am still having hormone therapy and will so for another 8 years but all is well.
I do not know what gave me cancer I just have come to the conclusion that I will never know and have moved forward.
Take care
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Hi Debbie,
It’s Lisa from the Policy Team. I just wanted to reassure you that doctors make their treatment recommendations based on the best available evidence currently available about what is likely to be most effective for each person’s individual situation. Pharmaceutical companies and many other research institutions are also conducting research and running clinical trials to look at potential new treatments and compare them to current treatments.
It is best to talk to your doctor about what they recommend for your individual treatment and also to talk with them about any questions and concerns you may have. If you would like another perspective, it can be helpful to seek a second opinion from another doctor.
Many women are interested in using complementary treatments and therapies in addition to conventional medical treatments. Some people find that complementary therapies or medicines can help improve their physical or emotional wellbeing and manage some of the side effects of treatment, such as helping to lessen fatigue or pain. Before starting any complementary treatment or therapy, it is always best to talk to your doctor or a member of your treatment team.
Alternative therapies are therapies or products that are used instead of conventional medical treatments. These therapies or products have not been tested scientifically or proven to work and there is no evidence that they are effective in treating breast cancer. We have information about complementary therapies and treatments and the difference between these and alternative therapies on our website if you would like more information.
Warm regards,
Lisa0 -
Thanks so much everyone,
I feel more assured now that following the Dr's advice and having chemo was the right thing to do for me. I am not motivated enough to follow the alternative therapies in the way they tell me to so feel I have one of the top breast cancer Drs in our area & will soon be going to a group called Breast Intentions to meet up with other breast cancer survivors.
Kazzi all the best with your chemo & I hope you don't have a rough time with it. You might meet the same people each time & make some friends & have a laugh through your treatment like I did.
Thanks Lisa, a friend actually was on a clinical trial when she went through her treatment. Unfortunately the trial didn't work but it didn't hamper her treatment in any way & she enjoyed the perks she had for being part of the trial. She is cancer free now.
Chemo finished end of March 2014 so I'm one year cancer free & my 6 monthly checkup is today. I'm on anti estrogen tablets for 5yrs & had a hysterectomy following chemo last year so they're doing everything to keep the cancer away.
Debbie xoxo