Baby soon to arrive!

pamelka Member Posts: 7
edited May 2015 in Health and wellbeing

After undergoing 3 months of AC treatment and 2 rounds of Taxol, my long-awaited baby will arrive on 4 June! While the chemo treatment hasn't been easy, it's all been doable since I've had something so wonderful to anticipate.  I know the future is going to be challenging with trying to care for a newborn and undergoing weekly chemo (10 more Taxol treatments) and then six weeks of radiation. Any advice from other mothers who underwent treatment with a new bub?  


  • Loubegg
    Loubegg Member Posts: 73
    edited May 2015

    Oh Pamela, I feel for you.  I didn't have a new baby but had weekly taxol. I had no side effects til the end apart from tingling hands and feet.  I think it'll be doable especially as you'll have such a wonderful thing to focus on.  Just take it day by day and you'll get there.  Both baby and chemo will cause fatigue so sleep when you can and don't try to do too much.  The time flew for me on taxol and I'm sure it will for you too!  All the best and a big hug! Lx

  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    edited May 2015

    I dont have any advice for you but all the best with your new baby.  Please give him/her a hug from me when they arrive :)

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,315
    edited June 2015

    No advice as my babies were 8 and 10 when I was diagnosed. However just want to wish you all the very best for the birth of your precious baby. You are a star and you will get through all of this as you have a wonderful little one depending on you. 

    Big cyber hugs 

    Paula xxxx

  • Kazzi
    Kazzi Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2015

    Hi Pamela,

    All the best with your new bub.  I have no advice as my babies are teenagers, (I'm just diagnosed), and they're still as cuddly as ever. 

    Remembering what it was like with bubs, - rest when they sleep, accept all offers of meals delivered.  Enjoy the cuddles because they grow up so quick.

    All the best

    Karen xx

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,194
    edited June 2015

    Hi Pamela, just wanted to wish you all the very best for today as you welcome your precious little soul into the world. Like the other ladies said, take it as easy as you can and embrace whatever support you are given (and if people are unsure about how to help, give them some suggestions e.g meals, laundry etc, as sometimes they just need to be asked) so that you can focus on getting to know your little one and getting well again. Thinking of you. Best wishes, Jane xx

  • mumofone
    mumofone Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2015

    Hi Pamelka,

    Perhaps you can let me know how you've been getting on as I'm about to do just that, only a few months after you?!

    I was diagnosed at 37 weeks pregnant with my first baby in August 2015 (I've only joined bcna tonight.) My baby girl was induced at 38 + 6 and since then, as you can imagine, I've had a zillion scans (well, about 11, I think), 2 operations (sentinel node biopsy and an axillary clearance) and am having injections for an egg collection which should happen in a couple of days. Chemo starts on Monday next week and my baby will be 4 weeks old in 2 days.

    I'll have chemo + herceptin (eventually) for 6 months, then a full mastectomy followed by radiotherapy and hormone therapy after that so I'd be really keen to hear how you're getting on but at the same time, I completely understand if you really just don't have the time! I certainly don't!

    Anyway, all the best, I'm sure you're smashing it!


  • pamelka
    pamelka Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2015

    Thanks for your message, Lou.  I would have responded earlier, but have had my hands full with the baby and am still learning how to use the BCNA site.  This is my last week of radiation so I am very happy that the treatment is almost finished. The baby is the best gift I could ever have! I've attached a photo for you.

  • pamelka
    pamelka Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2015

    Thanks, Mira. I've attached a photo of the baby for you.

  • pamelka
    pamelka Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2015

    Dear Christine,

    Thank you so much for your message. My apologies that it took me so long to reply. I have had my hands full as you can imagine and I am only just figuring out the BCNA site, which I had lost my access to for some reason.  Your daughter's story is truly inspiring and you're obviously a tremendous support to her.  Once my baby was born, my mother arrived in Australia to help out for a month, which was great.  I thought I'd share a photo of my little one with you. We named him Leonardo.  Again, thank you for your words. Pam xo

  • pamelka
    pamelka Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2015

    Thanks for your message. I've attached a photo of my little one. xo

  • pamelka
    pamelka Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2015

    Sorry for the late response. I'm slow to figure out the BCNA site.  How are you going? I'm in my last week of radiation and am feeling very fatigued.  I had 4 rounds of AC and then 12 weeks of Taxol before and after the baby, so I am really ready for treatments to end. My baby is absolutely wonderful. We've named him Leonardo and I've attached a photo for you.  I'm meeting with my oncologist this week to determine the future and whether or not I will take tamoxifen as my cancer is estrogen and progesterone receptive. Is yours? Not to be greedy, but I am keen to have a second child but my oncologist isn't very happy with me, I think. Anyway, sorry that this is so short, but a friend just arrive to take me to my radiation appointment. I'd love to hear how you're doing when you have time. Pam xo

  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    edited October 2015

    How gorgeous!!!  Congratulations :)

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,315
    edited October 2015

    How beautiful. Congratulations on nearly finishing treatment and for receiving such a precious gift. 


    Paula xxxx

  • Kazzi
    Kazzi Member Posts: 263
    edited October 2015

    Hi Pamela,

    Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful boy.  It's brought back memories. Photos are fantastic!  All the best with radiation. (I finish mine on Friday)

    You're doing an amazing job! Karen xx 

  • mumofone
    mumofone Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2016

    Hi Pam,

    How's this for a late reply?!! Sorry, I did write one once and then I lost it and I don't log in very often.

    Good to hear you are going reasonably well with everything. Leonardo is gorgeous! He must be about 8 or 9 months by now I guess...?

    I am doing well too. I have completed 6 months of chemo and will have herceptin until December every 3 weeks. I had a left sided mastectomy on Wednesday but am recovering pretty quickly. Radiotherapy will start in a few weeks.

    My little girl, Autumn, is 7 months old now and certainly helps to keep my mind on the big picture which is great. She too is a real sweetheart.

    I understand your wishes to have another child. You're not being greedy at all!

    I have mixed feelings about it. My husband is keen and we can't start trying til late 2017 anyway but I just don't want to go through everything again with a toddler and a newborn.

    My oncologist is more sympathetic to the having another child scenario though. She said we probably will choose to and that the studies don't show an increased risk of a new cancer developing in a subsequent pregnancy even though no one knows why. I have even considered a prophylactic mastectomy on my right side when I have a reconstruction next year as another way to reduce my risk of recurrence.

    My sister told me her GP was very anti the suggestion of me having another child though as she has lost patients before who went ahead with another pregnancy against her advice. So there's clearly some conflicting opinions out there

    My cancer was er, pr and her2 positive - note I say "was" because I am hopeful it is now in the bin at the hospital (well, sent to pathology anyway!) I find out whether the surgical borders were clear on Thursday at my post-op appointment.

    I was going to post a photo with my daughter but I think that's what caused me to lose the whole message last time so I don't want to risk it, especially as I don't log in very often.

    Best of luck with your decision and future treatment. Perhaps we can update each other every few months!!
