
Well this normally reasonably positive person is foaming at the mouth with anger. I was sacked yesterday! I have been in a toing and froing match for weeks now as they have tried to demote me. I'm nearing the end of my treatment and thought wow I will be able to start getting my life back. Now this! They haven't paid me my entitlements, they have bullied me and lied to me. After 8 years I'm devastated. And yes I have legal recourse but I'm fighting bloody cancer and don't have the time or energy for this! Trying to find a new job, the stress of the situation, no bloody money!!!!! I want to punch people. And do you know what makes it worse? My boss' wife was treated for breast cancer 3 years ago! What an arsehole. Gggrrrrr I'm trying to put it into perspective and say that in 5 years time it won't matter, oh but geez it matters now!!! We need this like a bloody hole in the head. What's wrong with people? Why does everything have to be so bloody hard? I've had it! I don't deserve to be treated like this. I've just bloody had it! Karen
That is bloody disgusting to do that to you and I would be bloody angry to, but one door closes another opens as they say, here's hoping a bloody good won opens for you and the old ones get there karma and plenty of news coverage as well. It's enough to try and fight this disease but to have fight for your rights as well. Hope you keep well and that other door opens for you soon. Hug and cuddles Maxine
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Oh Karen how dreadful. Horrible people. Who wants to work for them anyway. Make sure you write everything down. Add dates, times, witnesses etc. Then when you are well enough to deal with them you will be equipped. So frustrating I understand the feeling. Meanwhile go out have a drink or two, surround yourself with good people or do something you love to do. Just look after you. Karma will look after them. Big hugs Nicole x
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Oh Karen that is so crappy, some bosses have no idea how to treat there people. It is really hard to cope with everything at once. I know how hard it is to keep positive but Nicole is right surround yourself with people who love you and respect you.
Things will turn around and something will come along bigger and better. Don't let them get away with not giving you your entitlements either, you have already done a hard fight with your cancer and you are a winner, take care sending you a hugxx
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Unbelievable! You're right, you don't deserve to be treated like that, it's just not fair & they should not get away with not paying out your entitlements, especially after 8 years of service. I understand the cancer council in Victoria have a legal referral service (not sure about the other states) that might be able to help you if you think you've been discriminated against because of cancer and while I get you are tired of having to fight it might be worth giving them a call. I believe they can also sometimes help with financial hardship issues.
I hope you find somewhere soon that really appreciates you and what you have to offer. You are an amazing person and it's definitely their loss. Jane xx
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Why is it when everything is finally looking up good people get kicked in the guts and as you said it's the damn energy needed to fight it. Make sure you get advice from the right people and get what you are entitled to. And yes if you can fight cancer, you fight these barstards
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Thanks Jane. I have been in contact with the cancer council the whole way along. I will be speaking to the solicitor again next week. The more I think about it the angrier I get, which is not going to do my health any good but I just can't help it. I have decided that regardless I am going to take this further. At least it will give me something to channel the anger towards.
Karen xox
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Thanks everyone. I have made up my mind that I'm not going to be bullied and I am going to take this further. It's not right and if people get away with treating others like this then they will keep doing it. Evil succeeds when good men do nothing! Or women!
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Hi Karen, I would be pretty angry too so channel your anger and get what you are entitled to - I'm sure that will make you feel better. They cannot withhold your entitlements. There was a good saying in a movie once (can't remember what one) - don't get angry - get even. Good luck. Maureen
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Hi Karen,
Great advice from everyone and I feel so angry for you too. Look into your legal rights as has been suggested. My heart goes out to you, especially after you've fought the good fight for your health. You don't deserve this.
Virtual hug coming your way
Karen x
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Hi Karen, I'm glad you've been talking to the cancer council people and hope they can do something to help. If the strength and wisdom that you display on this site is anything to go by, they need to start worrying :-) Jane xx
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Hi Karen - just seen this post after replying to your post on the Lost Libido Ladies. This is appalling. You've had good advice about the Cancer Council and the solicitors - I know it's incredibly stressful having to do this, but you're right, you do need to follow it through. You can use your anger constructively and channel it into getting results from that bastard boss and getting your entitlements. Karma...maybe he will discover he has prostate cancer or something equally awful one day, and be booted out the door.... Perhaps just try to do some yoga or relaxation or meditation to balance up the angry energy a bit? I'm sure you will find another job, and you will probably be far better off with another company. If you feel like taking this to The Age or the Herald Sun, I'm sure they'd do a suitably embarrassing story on your boss and the company. Otherwise, there's always Facebook. I'd do a shame campaign on them right now. Take care, sending you a big hug, Pam xx
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Hi Pam
i emptied, cleaned and resorted my pantry to try to use my negative energy constructively and then I had a bubble bath. The cancer council have agreed to help me pro bono so I will definitely take it further. I still haven't been paid out or received any word. If monies are not in my account by close of business tomorrow I will add that to the list of grievances. I must say though, I felt nothing but relief at not having to go there today. Karen xx
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Hiya, not much I can say that the others haven't. It just sucks doesn't it. Funny though that you feel relief now your aren't there. Wishing you luck in your pursuit of justice. Yiu go girl.
Paula x
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Ah Karen - well done girl!! Cleaning the pantry and managing is really constructive, and the bubble bath was a very supportive thing to do for yourself. So glad you are getting pro bono help. The relief is a good sign. You just have to hang on in there now, and keep the pressure on the CC to let the bastard boss know you are taking legal action. I'm sure he'll settle quickly enough then. Big hugs, Pam xx
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Hi there. Not sure what state you are in but neil mitchell from 3aw took on a similar case a couple of weeks ago. You have nothing to lose by sending him an email
Take care and stay strong.