An update on BCNA's online network

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited May 2015 in Community news and events

Happy National Volunteer Week and thanks to all those who help throughout the year by participating in the online network and facilitated online groups. It's been great to see so much activity in our online network this week: we've had around 30 new members join, 28 new blog posts and over 100 comments. If you're new to the site, why not take a moment to introduce yourself in the comments below or create your own blog post via the big pink ‘Post’ button above.

Some of our active discussions in the last week have included hope and self-careWigs...real hair or not... and the 'avocado syndrome'. We had a new issue of the Active & Well newsletter availableChristine Nolan, BCNA's CEO made an introduction and there are new face-to-face events coming up in Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide. If you're new to our online network, you can use our online groups search page to find topic groups and activities in your local area.

We have been hard at work on the website updates again this week. Some of the issues are visible to you as a user and other changes have been made to the back-end of our website and here are some of the fixes you may notice:

  • Online group ‘Join request’: When requesting to join an online group, you can now include a message with your request. The facilitator of the group will now receive your message.
  • Online network design: We have received initial designs to improve display of the online network landing page. We will identify a handful of members to test the useability over the coming week.
  • Messages (Inbox) improvements: We are 90% through a number of fixes relating the messaging system and will be looking to make updates early next week, some of these fixes/improvements include:
    - Adding bulk actions (mark as read, mark as unread, delete)
    - Adding individual message actions (reply, delete)
    - Adding keyword search to find messages

Some of the above will carry over into next week and In addition we will focus on the following:

  • Online groups: Currently when a facilitator of a group receives a join request, wants to remove a member from a group, wants to make a member a facilitator, etc, they have to refresh the page to see that the action has occurred. This will now be an instant auto refresh
  • Display of comments: When someone replies to a post, then replies to a reply and so on the text gets smaller and smaller and it is hard to read. We will look at how we can improve the display of these blog posts and comments.

If you're having trouble using the new site, visit our Help & FAQ section or leave a comment on this blog post and you're sure to find some help.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Note: To see previous website updates, visit the Network News group -


  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited May 2015

    This is sounding great Daina.I can't wait to see the new home landing page.I KNOW that this is going to make such a difference.Thanks for keeping us all in the loop.Things are definitely on the up and up!! Cheers Robyn xox


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2015

    Hi Daina,

    thanks for keeping us in the loop. I am not sure I read it all correctly so forgive me if this is being worked on. Will there be a way that we can get a message when someone new responds to a blog that we have responded to?

    I am looking forward to the changes also  

    keep up the great work 

    Paula :)