Fear is Strong, But Hope is Stronger

Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
edited September 2016 in Day to day

I thought it was high time that this little turtle stuck her head up and wrote a post.

Since being originally diagnosed with EBC in 2004 and then ABC in 2012 and then a new EBC again in 2013 I have met so many lovely people who are all working through their own Breast Cancer Experiences.

I see so many who are suddenly and without warning thrown the line "you have breast cancer" and it is scary and worrying and it indeed feels as if your life is stopped right then and there. Like you take a breath and don't dare let it out. I know it is easy to write words and they do not always help but I thought today I would share some of the strategies that I use to keep on turtling in the best way that I can.

  • Be kind to yourself because negative, sad and worrying thoughts are a perfectly normal part of the process.
  • Accept these days and the heavy thoughts as OK and  just allow the day to flow through you. Know that tomorrow will probably be a better day
  • No matter how bad your day may seem, there will be something, even if it is really tiny that is good, look for it, hold onto it and smile. 
  • Choose your battles and accept those things that you cannot change and spend time working on those that you can
  • Live for today and look forward to tomorrow - do not fear what you do not know
  • Staying Positive during a cancer diagnosis and treatment can be really, really hard. and unless someone has walked a mile in those shoes, can only imagine. People mean well but sometimes just miss the mark and that is OK. Don't let words wound you. You have the power to decide.
  • There is not one person that I have met who has been presented with "You have cancer" that does not find themselves going from extreme highs to extreme lows and back again.. and it is all very normal and some would say important as part of the process. Sometimes, you find yourself putting on a mask to hide your true current outlook and thoughts as you do not want to upset those around you.. But it can be really hard work and sometimes just too exhausting.  It is OK to not be strong or positive sometimes.. and can be an extremely important part of the process.
    All I ask is that if the "dark side" hangs around too long or you are just too sad or angry all the time then seek help.  Doing this does not make you weak, but makes you stronger and more able to deal with everything.
  • Where there is HOPE, there is LIFE

I hope that even a small bit of this is helpful.
I know that none of it will can magically take away the roller coaster. 
I wish it could, I really do.

Each Day is Special
Live Life Now,
Don't Just Exist Through it

cheers and huge hugs from Sharon (pink66)  - aka Hope D Super Turtle 



  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    edited May 2015

    Hey Sharon,

    Your words are so true and I am sure that every one that reads them will know exactly what you mean as we have all been there.

    Thanks for sticking your neck out

    Chris xx

  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited May 2015

    Hi Sharon, beautifully written and so very true, I'm sure this will help any newly diagnosed women, luv the picture:), all the best,

    Hazel xx

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited May 2015

    Hi Sharon, thanks for your lovely, well written post, I'm sure your wise words will hit home with many of us. Hope is a powerful thing isn't it, and reflects the desire and trust we all have that treatment will go well and we can get through the trauma of having breast cancer. On the flip side, hope also recognises that this is one tough gig and that it's not always possible to "be positive", but then hope can give us the strength to reach out and ask for help and that's where it can be truly mighty. All the best and keep on turtling! Jane xx

  • Beery
    Beery Dragonfly Posts: 64
    edited May 2015

    Hi  Sharon,

    Great words of wisdom. I,m  sure everyone can relate to them one way or another.   Sue:)

  • finita
    finita Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2015

    Thank you Sharon,

    that is truly  beautiful

    love Finita xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Rosanna
    Rosanna Member Posts: 284
    edited May 2015

    Hi Sharon

    You said all and more than my thoughts, you are just so good.   I am more than agreed of what you've said.  Hope all the pink sisters here stay strong and hold on together.  Be a great turtle.

    Loving you....xoxoxo


  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited May 2015

    Written so beautifully we have all felt tose things. There's not a day goes by I don't say, please don't come back cancer!

  • Kazzi
    Kazzi Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2015

    Hi Sharon,

    Thanks for your pink bullet points of advice.  I've revisited them a number of times over the past couple of days to guide me thru this.  I'm newly diagnosed with EBC with a long journey ahead of me.

    Thank you xx

  • rhopkins
    rhopkins Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2015

    Hi from Adelaide,

    What a wonderful inspiring post (especialy about those high extremes and low days). Thank you so much. I have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and going through exactly these same feelings.

    Its so good on hear that you know you are not alone and that there are many people out there going through exactly the same thing!

    Rachel H


  • melissa
    melissa Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2015

    Hi Sharon, 

    i really enjoyed your talk at the forum. I haven't been on this website for a while. I have suspected cancer in the left breast DCIS it will be investigated. I am already living with advanced disease. Can you tell me what treatment you had for the new diagnosis? 



  • Pink66
    Pink66 Dragonfly Posts: 366
    edited August 2015

    Hi Melissa, Well that is certainly cheeky of your cancer to perhaps send you a new unwelcome tenant. 

    There is no one system to follow in this case but for mine it was 8mm and found on a mammo.  It was similar but different to my first primary (left breast) and also my secondaries (which were slightly different to the first primary) - LOL, it is the changes that always amaze me and show me just how clever cancer can be!!!

    There was never any discussion with me about leaving it alone due to the fact I had SBC and a lumpy evicted it not long after.

    There was no discussion of starting chemo (I was on letrozole) as the treatment for the SBC would not alter.  There was a discussion for rads but they deemed it to be not needed unless i got a second primary in the right breast.

    That was back in 2013 and touch wood, no further issues in the breasts at all. 

    I would say it will depend on the variables of your individual situation and what the Dr's think is the best course of action for you..  Personally, I am happy it is out, it was another grade 3 IDC and I really did not want to have to worry about it at all.

    sending you huge hugs and hope that they say.. mmmm you know, it is not a new primary..  just keep doing what you are doing.

    cheers, Sharon xoxoxox