
Allicat Member Posts: 83
edited May 2015 in Day to day

So it's my birthday in a couple of weeks and I will be 38. Four and a half years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer I started two drugs which were for 5 years each. So my treatment will finish when I am 38. And I'm going to be 38 very soon. It freaks me out for some reason. I think it is because back then when I was newly diagnosed the twin ideas of one day finishing my 5 years of treatment and of me one day being 38 seemed impossibly far in the future. So it's somehow scary that those things are actually going to happen.

Of course, there is also the complication that some studies suggest Tamoxifen for 10 years is better than 5 years so maybe the treatment won't even finish when I'm 38. When I asked about this before the doctor said we'd discuss it closer to the 5 years being up.

It is scary to think of treatment being over soon and it is also scary/annoying to think of it going for another 5 years.


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  • Stokes
    Stokes Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2015

    Hi there Allicat,

    Something about birthdays is pretty powerful isn't it - especially when you've been looking forward to such a big milestones as finishing a 5 year course of treatment!

    No matter whether your treatment is continuing after 38 or not, you will have five years of treatment behind you. That is a big milestone you're about to pass. I hope you have a great birthday.


  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    edited May 2015

    Hi there Allicat

    What a milestone 5 years wow!!!

    I have only just had my 1 year anniversary so I agree five years seems so far away...

    Congratulations on a wonderful achievement.

    Have a super birthday

    Chris xx

  • nicole h
    nicole h Member Posts: 120
    edited May 2015

    Hi Allicat. Just wondering how the tomoxifen is treating you as I finish radiation and start 10 yrs tomoxifen  tomorrow? After 12 months of chemo & operations,  complications.  Good luck on your birthday either way.

    Nicole x ♥

  • Allicat
    Allicat Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2015

    Thanks Sarah! 

  • Allicat
    Allicat Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2015

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Chris & Nicole.

    Chris - congratulations on your one-year anniversary, that's a big milestone too! It is amazing how the time passes isn't it. 

    Nicole - I hope your first few days of tamoxifen have gone well. When I first started on it I had hot flushes which were really annoying but not debilitating. They got less severe and less frequent but it took about 3 years to really get past them and even now they're not entirely gone. Although I also had some anxiety issues so maybe that contributed as well. Congratulations on finishing radiation and good luck with the tamoxifen. 

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