Exemestane vs Femara? Benefits? Weight?

Boogsqeaks Member Posts: 1
edited April 2015 in Health and wellbeing


I recently had my ovaries removed and a full hysterectomy. I am 35 and was diagnosed with stage 3 IDC late 2012.

i have been on tamoxifen up to this point and my oncologist has just prescribed me exemestane to replace it following my surgery.

i have read that people have lots of problems with weight gain on exemestane (steroidal) vs femara (non steriodal). 

Does anyone know if there is a benefit (anti-cancer) to taking exemestane over femara?

i know it shouldn't be at the top of my list of concerns but I am TERRIFIED of gaining weight!! I am already in the throws of early menopause and I cannot face the idea of taking a medication that will amplify the weight gain! My self esteem just cannot take it. 

Does anyone have advice?

Should I ask to be put on femara instead?

thanks, I would really appreciate hearing any experiences and opinions.


  • nicole h
    nicole h Member Posts: 120
    edited April 2015

    Hi Boogsqeaks!!  Sorry your name is not clear.  I'm still undergoing treatment and have no  answers to offer you but wanted to just agree with you.  I have no self esteem left at all and am battling weight gain too.  If I was prescribed a drug known to cause weight gain I would want an alternative too.  The specialist should be contactable with these questions but sadly there are too many of us and they are too busy but that's what the bc nurse is for.  If she doesn't know she should be able to find out for you.  If you don't have a good one, ask your GP but don't stop asking till you have an answer.  In my experience you have to find help yourself and the source is usually the least unexpected.  Good luck x Nicole

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited April 2015
    Hello and welcome to the online network:):) I take tamoxifen,and I am post menopausal.I might be wrong,but I have heard many times,that all of these medications ' cause' weight gain.I actually believe though,that the medications themselves don't actually PUT extra weight on us,but they can cause our bodies to gain weight more easily than before,for example,like the slowing down of your metabolism when you reach menopause.I have worked VERY HARD not to gain weight since I startedTamoxifen.I walk about 5 km each day,and I watch VERY carefully what I eat.As our bodies change after BC,so too do our needs,nutritionally and emotionally.There is a really good booklet that you can access on this site,about nutrition and exercise,if I remember correctly.On the old site,I knew exactly where it was,but I am not sure now.I will have. Look and let u know if I find it.All the best.Cheers Robyn.xxx
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited April 2015

    I just found this,but there is NO WAY I can explain where I found it!!! If you call 1800500258 you can order 3 booklets.They are  exercise and BC,healthy eating and BC,and BC and hormone therapy.You can have these posted out to you.Cheers !!

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited April 2015
    Hi, from what I've read,the Aromatase Inhibitors all act in a similar way by stopping Androgen being converted into Estrogen in post menopausal women. Femara and Arimadex are similar in composition and Aromasin is abit different -weight gain is not listed as a side effect from what I can see.I take Tamoxifen and it hasn't really caused weight gain.However,since stopping Tamoxifen,I've noticed it easier to lose a few kilos whereas I struggled to when on the drug.I have friends on Femara and they haven't put any weight on. I don't know anyone on Aromasin.It's like Robyn says, your metabolism slows done due to menopause rather than the drugs themselves.We probably have to work abit harder at eating healthier and exercising to maintain a steady weight.But that's not such a bad thing! Ask your oncologist to explain why he advises Aromasin instead of Femara - you need to feel confident with his advice and if you are not convinced then ask others eg. your chemist? another oncologist? Good luck, Tonya xx
  • Spirit66
    Spirit66 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2015

    Hi Boogsqeaks

    I recently started taking Exemestane after having my ovaries removed at the tender young age of 49. Prior to that I had been taking Tamoxifen for 4.5 years. I never had a weight issue on Tamoxifen (well I did but it it was not the drugs fault)! I put on 9 kilos during chemo and had no problems dropping it once I did the right thing...you know eat well and exercise.

    A couple of months ago (after 3 breast cancers) I decided to take matters into my own hands and do something that traditional medicine fails to do...deal with the cause. Part of my new regime was a total overhaul of my diet and stepping up my HIIT exercise to 5 days per week. The immediate results were amazing. Weight loss, my 2 year old brain fog cleared within 14 days, I was mentally sharper and could once again function like I did pre-chemo. I felt like myself again and so very happy as I had missed my old self.

    I had hot flushes and night sweats before removing my ovaries and I had them afterwards too. Nothing changed but OMG when I started the Exemestane my health took a dive! 

    After just 4 weeks of taking them I got rid of them. Just yesterday I had my oncologist give me a script for Femara. The Exemestane brought back the brain fog and is making it impossible to lose weight. The same regime that worked for me no longer worked. Not only that, I felt sore after exercising and I just can't shake this feeling of anxiety and anger...it's driving me nuts!! 

    We all know meds have different effects on different people but I would never recommend Exemestane. I will get back to you in a couple of weeks and let you know how the weight loss on Femara is going.

    Would love to hear how your experience with Ex is going.

    Cheers :)





  • Spursy
    Spursy Member Posts: 26
    I have always eaten healthy. Now this Exemestane is defo causing weight gain, I only have to swallow and I gain weight! 
    I dare n't eat cake or any sugars anymore. 
    I try to move more but the aches and pains! 

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,799
    It takes time for the body to adjust
    I did 9+ years and here to say Yay!  I did it!
    Best wishes 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471

    I did ten years on Femara - no weight gain (at least not due to Femara, a bit up and down but nothing serious) but I did experience vaginal dryness (partly attributable to
    age) and loss of bone density (possibly ditto). It’s hard to avoid any side effects of something you are on for a long time, so best to consider what’s most acceptable! Good luck! 

    But remember, the main aim is to keep
    you clear of cancer! 
  • Coastiejas
    Coastiejas Member Posts: 109
    Hi @Boogsqeaks
    I've been on exmestane for about 5 months now and I've actually lost weight! That being said I am now eating an anti inflammatory diet and watching what I eat! I lost weight on the ac chemo and found I put it all back on plus more on the paclitaxel,  but have now lost it again!  I get some aches and pains now and again randomly and hot flushes but other than that not many other side effects on exmestane.  Everyone is different though!
    Best wishes for your treatment!