Still Alive and Kicking

It has been a long time since I posted anything here. So much happening all the time that I really have had to stop and sit down and write this short blog.
It's almost 5 years since my diagnosis and have just had the mammogram and ultrasound. Hope they will be fine again and can go and have my new tattoo to celebrate it's going on my left buttock so there will be no picture!
I had a right breast FreeTram flap reconstruction last Dec after waiting a long long time in the public sector but thank to Campbell Newman panicing about a long waiting list not looking good for his upcoming election he paid for us 35 ladies to have surgery in the private sector at no cost! Had the same surgeon I had seen in public so very happy. Feels great and have a washboard abdomen too!
Last October I had the very great privilege of taking part in the International Breast Cancer Survivors Dragon Boat Regatta in Sarasota Florida! I was the team captain of the Redcliffe Pink Snapdragons a great honour and we paddled our hearts out to take second place in our group our coach was so proud he cried! Very unlike him! It was just the most amazing uplifting event. All our endless fundraising had been worth it. I was lucky to also have my sister and brother - in -law come from the UK. My husband and brother-in-law also paddled in the supporters race Anthony(bil) had never paddled and my husband Brian only a couple of times. That didn't matter as they won the race and all of a sudden my sister and I are faced with living with World Champion Supporters!! I was also lucky to have my name drawn out for the Flowerers on The Water ceremony and to paddle in the Sandy Smith Memorial race. A sad but beautiful end to an amazing time.
Well my blog is now quite long but you know those of you just starting on this journey wondering how life will turn out I can say for me it's turned out just fine
Thanks Sarah, your story is what I love and need to hear. I am only at the beginning of my treatment, along way to go but hoping it will mean that I will be around for a little while yet.
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Hi Sarah, It's great to hear from you! It sounds like you have packed as much as you can into every moment. The regatta sounded amazing. I know there are so many women who go onto have some great experiences through dragon boating - great exercise as well. I hope you enjoy a break over Easter :-)
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Hi Sarah, nice to hear from you. I'm coming up for 5 yrs soon too.You sure have done a lot- well done paddling to take out 2nd place!You seemed to recover quite quickly from your recon.Can I ask you if you needed any surgery done to the other breast? Lately I've been thinking about a DIEP recon but not sure whether to just get the one or have the other breast off and get 2 new ones. Big surgery so big decision.Off to Europe for 5wks in July so not rushing these decisions. Tonya xx
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Hi Tonya
Feel bad taking so long to answer you question back in April. Yes I do need more surgery on my left breast to make it a little smaller and perkier! I love my new breast and it looks great. It will happen in the next 12months! I did recover quickly from my recon as i did what the surgeon told me and no paddling for 8 weeks! It was very difficult to not go in the boat. When I did it was like i had never been away except i wasn't fit!! All good now . Enjoy your trip to Europe I was in the UK in May for parents 60th Wedding anniversary. great time. got to go at work need to see patients!!
Sarah x