My Personal Update

First time navigating the new network - so far so good! Updating mainly for myself. Genetic testing - 2nd lot of paperwork received (a lot of trees died for that lot of paperwork), completed and sent back. Now waiting for actual appointment letter. Head - March MRI all clear - have to wait till next year and if still no change may finally be on 2 year check ups for that (been on-going since Nov 2002 so a long time coming). Neck - February blood tests were best I've had (according to oncologist). Again, a long trip (since Dec 2008). I seem to get worse in cooler weather so now both him and other specialist want to see me in August - and they had decided that they would each see me yearly and alternate so I see someone every 6 months then they go and ruin it. Maybe just let them work it out. They do communicate with each other a lot about me so grateful for that. Breast (or just chest on one side) - Ultrasound and mammogram in April (left mastectomy in Dec 2013) and visit to my other specialist. Hoping all is going well there - 3 for 3, common on! I feel so special that I am still seeing 4 different ones when others seem to get fobbed off onto GPs or other doctors - I know they are all interested in my case as it has had so many bumps along the way but I could have done without a lot of the bumps (and bruises). Biggest issue for me this year (so far) has been losing weight and not feeling good about my breast form (didn't look right as I had lost the weight - even sons commented, "You need to fix something up Mum because you look uneven"). An issue as you can't get Medicare reimbursement except for every 2 years (I have recently just passed the 1 year mark). Then I found you can order a memory foam type of breast form - did wonders for my self esteem. Also found a lovely local lady (my angel) who helps out people like me by swapping our current prosthetic with another that fits better. Feeling so good I have even gone out a bought some new clothes. Now ready to start looking for outfit to wear to son's wedding in October.