
Marie Ahier
Marie Ahier Member Posts: 2
edited February 2015 in Day to day

New day, my golden retriever and I are recouperating after our surgery.  He had a benign fatty cyst but mine was cancer.

Friday I travel to Adelaide to see my breast surgeon to find out my pathology results.  A bit of dread but at least I will know which treatments will be needed.

Time for a coffee

This is second time around.  My first breast cancer was treated 12 years ago.


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    Welcome to this network but sorry to hear you have bc again.Like you,I've had bc twice-first time in 2003 and then again,in the same 2010.It's a kick in the guts but you know the drill 2nd time around.Hope you are resting and recovering well-big hug,Tonya xx
  • twhi8749
    twhi8749 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    Like you I am waiting on my DCIS re-excision pathology results either Friday or Monday.  I hope my surgeon will telephone me Friday with the result as my husband will not be able to attend my post op. meeting on Monday as he is in hospital.  The result will tell me whether my margins are now clear or if  I will need a mastectomy.     I find the waiting the hardest part even though I have prepared myself for the worse outcome.  

    Good luck to you.



  • twhi8749
    twhi8749 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    Like you I am waiting on my DCIS re-excision pathology results either Friday or Monday.  I hope my surgeon will telephone me Friday with the result as my husband will not be able to attend my post op. meeting on Monday as he is in hospital.  The result will tell me whether my margins are now clear or if  I will need a mastectomy.     I find the waiting the hardest part even though I have prepared myself for the worse outcome.  

    Good luck to you.

