PINC and STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation Australia in Queensland

We are delighted to announce the upcoming launch of the PINC and STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation Australia in Queensland.
The Foundation is dedicated to raising funds for the treatment costs of cancer patient’s physical rehabilitation and education programs. PINC and STEEL has a dedicated group of highly experienced physiotherapists trained in cancer rehabilitation that provide on-going and individualised care to get patients back to full function following often quite debilitating cancer treatments.
So often large amounts of money are donated for research into cures for cancer and very little actually goes to improving a cancer patient’s quality of life right NOW. In a recent survey of breast cancer survivors in Queensland, 50% of the women stated they still had some form of shoulder restriction or dysfunction 3 years after their surgery.
We are looking for founding members for the launch and would like to invite you to make a donation and be listed as one of the founding members of the PINC and STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation.
All sponsors will be listed on our Facebook page and receive certification and Gold and Platinum founders may place their name or logo in event advertising in support of the Foundation.
If you are interested, require further information and/or are able to donate to our cause directly into our Foundation Trust account or via vouchers, products, services for raffling at our fundraising events, please contact Luci Minogue, or the PINC and STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation Directors (pincandsteelaus@****).
Our heartfelt thanks,
The Directors
PINC and STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation Australia