Hi from New Zealand

I'm enjoying exploring this amazing website that BCNA has developed. The wealth of information and the online network are sure to be helping many women get through their breast cancer experience feeling well supported.
We have a great diversity of breast cancer groups in New Zealand but nothing quite like BCNA. Well done!
I was diagnosed in 1989 and have stayed free of cancer since then - long enough to now have some grandchildren. I feel very lucky.
Hi gilly and welcome to the site!
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Hi gilly and welcome to the site!
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Hi Di,
Just wondering how to join the new private New Zealand group - can you advise please?
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Hi Gilly, sorry for the slowness replying, I've been on holidays.
If you want to ask to join a private group, best way is to send a personal message to the facilitator and ask if they take new members (some don't but there's no problem at all with asking). To do that, just go to the group's page, click on the facilitator's name (on the left side of the page under the big picture), and on the left side of her profile, you'll see a link labelled 'send a message'. Just explain who you are and why you'd like to join and take it from there. Let me know if you get stuck. ~Di.