stage 4

Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
edited December 2014 in Health and wellbeing

Hello everyone and thanks for anyone who replied to my latest blog. I am over being angry and God did bless me with a great sense of humour thank you. A friend of a friend came around to-day who had bone mets and brain mets after BC. We never stopped chatting for 3 hours straight we laughed and giggled exchanging stories it was brillant and I think that must be a record for two women, I had one coffee and friend had a cuppa of tea.I cancelled my psychologist appointment as I felt talking one on one to a female companion far more benifical. I am not saying I am right in this judgement call but I do hope I am. I have other problems and guess what my neoro (brain surgeon ) is booked for the day before I leave/ fly for Gold Coast. Cannot believe it. but as I say another timely event that is on my side. I am catching that plane. I phoned the Cancer site for Perth and spoke to a lovely nurse who was a great help. We are blessed with amazing network who just want to help. Again thank you. I also have learnt that I have some amasing friends who are just there. I needed to offload today and they are there along with my sisters who of course are my bricks in all of this. Stage 4 is not a good prognosis but it's a wonderful feeling when you are so supported and I consider my self blessed in so many ways. I have loved my life so far and done nearly or pratically everything I strieved to do. I have no fear of death but I do fear at how I may die. It's a subject which not many talk about. Cyber hugs to all my pink sisters and yes tomorrow we will smile and laugh and put up the index fingar straight up the ass of cancer.



  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited March 2015

    L.aughter and friends are priceless , so here I smile and laugh and put up my index finger staight up the ass of cancer as well

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    I love how you are so honest Sarah.Good friends are worth their weight in gold aren't they? You are right when you say not many talk about dying.I guess it's just too frightening for a lot of people .I am like you,in that I am definitely not afraid , but like you said,just HOW is the scary part.Hopefuly Sarah it's a long way off!! I hope that you have a great holiday,and return with a fresher and even more positive outlook than you have now.Stay in touch Sarah.xoxRobyn