Newly diagnosed with DCIS - starting the rollecoaster
Hi all, I live in Geelong. I'm 41. Single mum to a 13yo son, co-parent 50%. I was diagnosed with DCIS estrogen+ on the 14th Feb. Luckily is stage 0, which eases my worries a bit. My mum and sister had stage 2, and they are in remission. So this gives me hope and keeps me positive. I am not scared of the surgery or radiotherapy...but just have lots of doubts of how is the process going to affect my ability to concentrate on my phd and thesis writing and my ability to work (part time teacher, looking for change in career). I'm considering taking an intermission from my phd, but I don't know for how long, and how I am going to support myself financially. Did anyone kept working or studying through the treatment? I'm a planner....but this doesn't have a timeline...and I think I just have to take a day at the time. I don't have a date for surgery and radiotherapy yet...I don't know how long is going to go for and how I am going to feel.....My guess is just go with the flow.....186Views0likes6CommentsHigh Grade DCIS - radiotherapy
Hello, I have been diagnosed with a small 4mm high grade DCIS. I am very anxious about Radiotherapy and was keen to avoid it, so took the DCSIONRT test. The results can back with a rating of 5 out of 10 (so not low risk and not high risk) and now I am having a hard time trying to figure out what to do. I am trying to figure out what I most fear, a reoccurrence or that the radiotherapy is going damage healthy tissues despite knowing that radiotherapy is more targeted these days. Any advice from someone that has been through this would be great. Thanks523Views0likes12CommentsAvoiding radiotherapy
Hi, are there any community members here that have avoided radiotherapy and then regretted it later? or vice versa. I had a very small pre cancer, which was non-invasive and I'm in my 40s. I am anxious about radiotherapy (long term effects) and though its the standard treatment (because the precancer was high grade), I am not totally comfortable with it, but perhaps that is normal? Any insights appreciated.195Views0likes7CommentsPathology results from surgery
Saw my surgeon today and got my results. He was surprised to find I have two different types of Breast Cancer. I have Stage 1 -mixed ICC in breast and Stage 2 -DCIS in 1st sentinal lymph node. Have an appointment Friday (17th) with the radio. oncologist then 30th March with the medical oncologist. Radioitheraphy is definately happening, aromatase meds also definite. Chemo is unknown at the moment.231Views0likes2CommentsRecurrence
Hi There, I'm posting my story on here as I am feeling lost - my family and friends are really supportive but I just don't feel understood. In 2015 I was diagnosed with low grade DCIS - my treatment was mastectomy, SNB with reconstruction in February 2016, followed by a prophylactic mastectomy of my remaining breast in November the same year. Based on my pathology and treatment, recurrence was a low risk. However last month, when I had my annual appointment I had a FNA on a lump which I was told last year was a cyst. Pathology suggested malignant cells so I was rushed in for scans - fortunately, there were no metastisis but I had surgery to further excise the tumors and another SNB. 3 days after my surgery I was readmitted for a second operation as there were 2 tumors identified (8 and 5 mm respectively). The second operation removed all of my skin (first mastectomy was skin sparing) and revealed a 3rd tumor, 4mm. Pathology was ER/PR+, Her-, micro mets to one lymph node. I will undergo radiotherapy but no chemo. I also found out yesterday that my bone scan revealed a benign hyperostosis on my skull and my surgeon has told me she isn't worried but wants a CT scan in a few months to check. After 3 weeks of scans, testing and surguries, and the additional worry now that the benign hyperostosis is actually a metastasis I am just at a low - for a disease that I thought I had treated 3 years ago I'm now left wondering (obsessing) about another recurrence. I just feel like I'm being denied a life but really I should be out there enjoying every minute of it. I have 2 gorgeous boys and a wonderful husband and it is so hard to see them deal with the events of the past 3 weeks. My surgeon has said that she hasn't seen a case like mine before so I feel quite isolated and scared. I've always been so healthy and now I feel like this will never end.1.4KViews0likes17CommentsMastectomy due to DCIS
I was diagnosed with high grade DCIS (3.7 cm) and I had a lumpectomy followed by 5 weeks radiation therapy. I went back for my annual mammogram this October and lo and behold, the cancer ( high grade DCIS) is back, this time 1.4cm. The doctors have recommended a mastectomy of the affected breast as they have said I cannot have lumpectomy this time around partly beacuse they wont be able to administer radiation. I totally understand the fact that having a recurrence of high grade DCIS within 12 months puts me at high risk of developing invasive breast cancer but I feel that a mastectomy is a bit 'overkill' as intervention for 1.4cm DCIS. Would love to hear from anyone that has had a similar experience. I am confused, frustrated, angry, anxious and a lot of other emotions that I cant categorise...pls help - TIA371Views0likes9Comments