Tamoxifen and depression
Hi, after double mastectomy, removing of 11 lymph nodes and 5 operations due to infection, i went on to 4 a.c. then 10/12 paclitaxel. Lost hair toe nails, immense pain in hands and feet. Always remained very positive and happy. Have been on tamoxifen for nearly two weeks and i am so down and keep crying. Has anyone…
Leg pain whilst on Tamoxifen
I have been on Tamoxifen for six years now, and have gone through menopause. In the past year I have started getting very bad leg pain/cramps (as well as the usual pelvic cramps/pain) - could my experience be a side effect of Tamoxifen? Does anyone else experience this issue?
Well woo hoo is what I say! I had seen on the news last weekend that some drugs had been reduced in their end price to us the patients. Well to my surprise I needed to pick up my next pack of Tamoxifen (Sandoz brand) and instead of the usual $38.50 today's price was $19.50!! Woo hoo!! I hope that translates to other drugs…
Hello all. Just wondering if anybody with ER + tumours decided NOT to take Tamoxifen? I had 2 lumps removed , both HER2+ , one with low percent ER+ . Taxol only chemo and herceptin for 1 year but Tamoxifen also prescribed. I took it for 2 months and didn't like the side effects so have stopped and will rethink after I…
Anti-werewolf pep talk?
Hello lovely ladies! Calling for a pep talk! I'm about to start taking my tamoxifen for the first time. It feels like a big step - such a long-term change / commitment (10 yrs+). Aside from the 'no going back' aspect, it's the drop in oestrogen that freaks me out. Being peri-menopausal I was already getting those signs -…
Immune system tablets vitamins
Hi just wondering if anyone noes after chemotherapy finished when can start taking immune system tables and vitamins to help body to recover from the process the body been through ive asked oncologist but they didnt answer my question and nezt time I see oncologist 1/6/17 im starting tamoxifen if anyone ison tamoxifen have…