Rapid Heartbeat
I'm only on my fourth cycle of radiation , after the last two cycles I have experienced very rapid heartbeat that lasts at least an hour or more , is this normal ?
Treatment seems bad as the disease
hi everyone! I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in February 2017. My first diagnosis with breast cancer came in mid 2013. I have hormone positive breast cancer. Treatment for the first diagnosis was a lumpectomy with right axillary clearance, further surgery 2 weeks later as they did not achieve clear margins. I…
Long term herceptin only anyone ? Need some advice from experience please
Hi ladies I am 12 months into herceptin and perjeta 3 weekly infusions and suffering terribly with insane burning and itching of my arms neck and shoulders. So much my life and most of the night is in ice and ice packs cause absolutely the one hundred solutions haven't worked .... it appears with me to be a skin toxicity…
Tamoxifen and depression
Hi, after double mastectomy, removing of 11 lymph nodes and 5 operations due to infection, i went on to 4 a.c. then 10/12 paclitaxel. Lost hair toe nails, immense pain in hands and feet. Always remained very positive and happy. Have been on tamoxifen for nearly two weeks and i am so down and keep crying. Has anyone…
Hi All I am on Letrozole and am having quite bad side effects. I have been on it for over a year now. I have decided to take a break from it for a week or two to see if the side effects improve. Has anyone else done this and if so how long did it take for the side effects to disappear? My main one is being very achy all…
Iron stores ... is this a long term side effect others have?
Ok got to vent...... since all my chemo and rads back in 2012/13 I am unable to keep my Iron stores they can't find anything that is causing this but I am so frustrated I was TNBC had bilateral mx and left clearance and then ACT, AC, then Paxitaxel x 6 then FEC then 6wks of Rads I have been getting infused with IRON 6…