Cold cap therapy
Just wondering who has used the PAXMAN scalp cooling system to reduce hair loss with chemo, and how successful it was or wasn’t? I’m on weekly paclitaxol treatments, and have decided to give this cooling system a try. I missed the first week as there was a lack of enthusiasm regarding it. However at my second chemo session…
Scalp cooling - should I stop, done 11 chemos and 5 to go
Hi BCNA community, Thanks for all the helpful advice re scalp cooling. It helped me decide to start and perserve with it this year. I've done 11 chemos (4 x AC and 7 x Taxol) with 5 Taxols to go. At my last chemo the nurse sat me down for a quiet chat and said they were reluctant to continue with scalp cooling as I've lost…
Cutting your hair after scalp cooling
Hi Ladies, I'm having my last scalp cooling soon and I'm just wondering how long you would wait before having a trim. I've been shedding throughout with breakage here and there but still have shoulder length hair. Would love some advice? Lissie.
Cold caps
does anyone know how I can get a hold of a cold cap for my 27 year old daughter who is starting chemo soon?