Ideas for podcast about work and breast cancer
Hello everyone, We are going to be taping a podcast about work and breast cancer. We are keen to hear from anyone who was self employed. What tips would you give others regarding work and any questions you may have for a webcast. We would love your input into the questions you would have liked to have asked regarding work.…
Metastatic breast cancer podcast?
@Riki_BCNA. Quite a while ago, you were gathering ideas for podcasts relevant to those of us with metastatic breast cancer. Has anything come of this?
Today, there is an article in my local paper about the Cancer Council podcasts called "The Thing About Advanced Cancer". Apparently they were launched this week. There are 10 episodes which look at what it means to have advanced cancer. Topics include treatments, hope, life and loss. They are hosted by broadcaster Julie…
Ideas for podcast for those just diagnosed
Hi all, We are going to be running a podcast titled 'Just diagnosed what next' for those newly diagnosed. We would love your input into the questions you would have liked to have asked when first diagnosed - those questions you asked that gave you the most useful information and those questions you didn't even know that…
Podcast for the medical fraternity
There are two other discussions about BCNA creating podcasts for patients, but what I'd really like to see is a podcast aimed specifically at the young medical students, interns and registrars. They seem to stumble around, trying to develop a bedside manner with little guidance as to how to behave. Unfortunately, they seem…