Lobular cancer in situ (LCIS)
Moderator moved post created by @JenRog from Activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed':
Questions around removal of the primary in metastatic treatment
I am VERY new here so I hope this is not a silly question..... I have been diagnosed and one of my first shocks was they were no longer going to remove the primary cancer. I understand they say the data does not indicate significant impact on survival however this data is also questionable on integrity as its so old too.…
Hello ladies, I’m 32 yo with HER2 positive breast cancer. I’m currently undergoing chemotherapy and i’m 3 weeks away from finishing my Abraxane+herceptin+perjeta treatment. I will be having a mastectomy mid May, followed by radiation, then reconstruction which is scaring me a lot. I’m having all sorts of anxiety. My…
Post TNBC: cope and hope
Hello all, It has been a good solid 12 months since I posted on this forum. Have jumped on a few occasions but didnʻt quite feel that I was ready to contribute anything meaningful. An enormous warm hug to all the women with a TNBC diagnosis; I also am part of this camp. Diagnosed Aug 2020, had AC/Paclitaxel until Jan 2021…
Recovery from Bilateral Mastectomy no recon. With Seromas. When does the pain end???
Hello. I am 53, and got diagnosed with dcis in October in right breast. We elected for a bilateral mastectomy and on pathology the right was 5x3.5x2.5 cm and the left surprise surprise had 2 patches of DCIS which didn’t show on Mammogram. I have been told I don’t need any further treatment - which I accept is ‘fortunate’.…
DCIS - Mastectomy or Lumpectomy
Hi everyone, - well here I am.... joining this amazing group of supportive women and wishing I wasn't here!! I have just been diagnosed with DCIS (2) in one breast. My mum and her mum both had BC, so there is a history. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow to get a referral for MRI and to a breast surgeon. At this stage, it…
Post surgery
I’m 66 and a paraplegic. Just been diagnosed and having a mastectomy in 2 days time. I’ve decided to go for bilateral if she agrees and there’s enough time in the theatre but I want to know how much can you use your arms after surgery? I’ve got good support and want to get it over and done with. Love to hear from anyone…
Surgery decisions
@Sheeba original post copied from the activity section. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast hormone positive breast cancer in august 2021. The surgeon said because of the size of my breasts in relation to the tumour, 4cm, I would need a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiation or I could have chemotherapy first in…