BCNA calling out the government - failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is calling out the government for failing to protect Australians from genetic discrimination while showcasing its new genomics framework. Cancer Australia launched the National Framework for Genomics in Cancer Control this morning, which aims to integrate genomics into routine cancer…
Cold Cap availability in public centres in Sydney/Newcastle
Hello everyone I was recently diagnosed with T2 (2.5cm), grade 2, HR+, with micrometastases in one sentinel node, which officially put chemo on the radar for the treatment plan. I pushed for the Oncotype DX but the advice from my treatment team was that as I had a couple of red flags (I'm premenopausal, have a slightly…
National Press Club of Australia was on cancer & immunotherapy/chemotherapy & genome testing
On the ABC TV On Wed June 26th was a discussion by an Oncologist talking about more recent chemotherapy 'specific tumour targeting' with the newer chemos/immunotherapy. Given by an Oncologist who is Stage 4 Metastatic. You should be able to watch it here below on ABC iView if you didn't see it on TV…
Genomic Testing
Hi, I was diagnosed 1 month ago, and had a bilateral mastectomy last week. My tests came back yesterday and although one Lymph node was clear, another had minimal cancel cells present from my left armpit. Apparently i am a N0 category. Although my surgeon is going to get other doctors opinions etc if i should go ahead and…
Oncotype Testing
I was diagnosed with Early Cancer - Oestrogen Positive - 3 February 2022. Since then I have had surgery to remove the lump. I saw my oncologist this week for a treatment plan. Due to my history, Hodgkins lymphoma 1998 and non Hodgkins lymphoma 2008 , sister and other family members with Breast Cancer, and the markers found…
37 year old - just diagnosed
Hi ladies, I have been diagnosed with early stage, grade 2, DCIS in early January (ER+, PR+ and HER2 negative). Since then I had lumpectomy with clear margins and sentinel node biopsy. Sentinel node biopsy found a tiny speck of cancer cell (less that 0.5 mm) and oncologist is pretty sure it did not spread anywhere else and…
First mamogram ever
After losing my husband 19 months ago to stomach cancer (55) after only a 10 month diagnosis , I was defiantly going to go and have my 50 year old mammogram . Low and behold , I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer , no lump , nothing . Couldn’t believe it . I just couldn’t believe I was going to have to put my kids…