I agree with all the advise above, but I rather gather your team have given you their advise regarding treatment and so now your question is a matter of statistics. As I've said quite a few times in this forum, statistics are 'flexible'. If I saw a poster on a shop window offering 5% off of handbags, I probably wouldn't be bothered to go in and have a look...it seems a piffling amount. If a gunman entered a large city school with a thousand pupils and shot dead 5% of the kids...that would be 50 dead children....same 5%. I doubt it would be much consolation for the parents of those killed to be told..."Well 95% of the children were safe...that your child was one of the unfortunate 5% is most unfortunate". A question to ask yourself is will you still be happy with your decision if you decline treatment, and heaven forbid, it does return as stage 4? Will you have the "what if" or "should I have"..."might I have been one of those small percentage for whom were protected"? or will you say "well I rolled the dice and lost...that's life..."