Forum Discussion

  • Indeed. 
    The old mantra that cancer is not contagious came under review with the development of the HPV. The idea that a virus could spark a tumour extends all the way to Tasmanian devils. Truly fascinating stuff.
    The global focus on this technology while it's being used to solve one problem could have some great outcomes in other areas. As the article explains, this is not new science, but it's science that is being refined.
  • It’s heartening to remember that ‘experimental’ covers things that have been worked on for three decades. Pandemics and wars are terrible things but the scientific and medical knowledge that comes out of them is huge. 
  • I'm absolutely convinced that if we throw enough resources- and cooperation- at this disease, we could find a cure.
  • No, @strongtogether, too much money in it for the chemical companies for anyone to want a cure !  (Cynical ?   😀)