I had this test the day before my surgery a week ago. If it is the same one that I had, it is called Lymhoscintigraphy - a test which uses a small amount of radioactive tracer/dye to identify the sentinel node (first node/nodes that the cancer would travel to). I was quite worried about this test, too, as I was told you receive four injections. I previously had had a core needle biopsy and was worried about further injections in the area (the biopsy itself didn't hurt but the local injection did, then it was quite sore afterwards). So for this test, I asked if I could have a local, but they said you really didn't need it because the needles are so fine; and they were right. It was no worse than an acupuncture needle and I really felt nothing. The rest of the test involves taking some pictures straightaway (lying flat with a machine moving around you) and then again after an hour or so. They marked up my skin and put tape over it so the surgeon would know exactly where the nodes are (you also get a report and pics). I suppose the worst part of the procedure was that the tape irritated the skin under my arm. Other than that, it was not painful in any way. Good luck to those having it.