Forum Discussion

louiseg's avatar
15 years ago

Is anyone sick of needles?!?!

Is anyone sick of needles?  I know I am!!  After I was diagnosed I had so many tests and scans etc that I have put off getting my blood test that I need to have before starting chemo until yesterday - three weeks after I was given the form!  My veins were sore and I was told that I have scarring on the ones in my left arm (they are normally easier to find than the ones in my right arm).

I am dreading starting chemo because of the IV's and then the blood tests that I have to have in between each treatment....  I know that we all have to go through it but I'm feeling a bit down about it at the moment and need to vent, sorry!

Has anyone got any miracles to avoid sore veins?

Louise :(

  • Hi Lyn.  I didn't find the sentinel node biopsy as bad as the core biopsy so I guess I was lucky there!  Thanks for listening to me :)

  • Thanks for the advice Tanya!  I will have to have alook for that Emla cream!!  I'll ask the oncologist when I see her :)

  • Hi Celeste.  Don't you love the experienced nurses and doctors who have no problems finding the vein!  I will keep the heat packs in mind and make sure I drink enough water before I go.  Thanks for understanding :)


  • You poor thing!  you sound like you've been through the ringer!  I wish gas worked for me but every time I have had it in the past I haven't noticed any difference (maybe I'm just a bit weird!!!).  Hopefully they may put the chemo into my hand or something instead of my arm, which might give my elbow a break!

    L x

  • Thanks Kay

    If I have problems when I start having my chemo I will certainily look into the port!

    Louise :)

  • You made me laugh Kathy!  I'll be looking out for those purple gloves on TV now!!!! LOL

    I find that if they take a couple of goes to get the vein, I go all woozy and start feeling like I'm going to feint.  Normally I'm not too bad with needles but since all of this has happened and I feel like a human pin-cushion I don't like them any more.

    Thanks for listening to my whinging anyway :)


  • Hi Kaz

    If the ports were for drinking they'd be a lot more fun! LOL  sounds like a good idea though and if I find I have problems I will probably look into it.

    Thanks for listening to my whinging and for the info :)

    Louise x

    ps.  I'm with you with the Private cover - it stinks that we pay extra to have good medical cover and we are still out of pocket!  Really makes you wonder why we do it sometimes, doesn't it?!?!?!  I wouldn't really give it up though - the security of knowing that I don't have to wait is worth it to me  :)

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Hi ladies, i just wanted to add that i went through the public health system for all my treatment and was very grateful for the responsive, effective and free service! I got to see a surgeon who practices in both the public and private sectors, and as far as I know, i got all the services that I would've got had I gone private. I couldn't afford to go private, but to be honest, I dont think it really matters when it comes to BC. Any thoughts?? Celeste x

  • You're probably right Celeste - when you've got BC I think they treat you pretty quickly regardless.  I will still keep mine going though, just in case I end up needing a hip replacement or something when I'm older!!!