Hi Louise, I totally understand how you feel about the dreaded needle! I went for a heart scan and blood tests the other day, and had to have a few needles. I don't know how I managed to get through chemo last year with all the poking and prodding, but i did. I have quite difficult veins...they just don't pop up very easily, which makes them difficult for the nurses to find, and often results me in feeling like pin cushion! The nurse took one look at my veins and luckily said "oh, this looks like a job for a very experienced senior" and she went and got the resident "guru" of blood taking! lol!
Louise I'm told that if you drink plenty of water before having a needle, this helps the veins to be easily accessible (and may help them to be less sore). Also, the nurses can give you a warm heat bag and place it on the site before a needle, and this also can alleviate soreness in veins. Not sure if you'll find any of that helpful but best wishes with the chemo. Once you get going with it you might become desensitized to it all and just take it in your stride eventually like I did! Celeste x