5 months agoMember
Hi Everyone I am wondering if anyone who is taking Anastrozole can share any side effects you have experienced with me. Also have your side effects stayed the same or improved of time. Also how you managed them?. I had a lumpectomy in July for an 8mm cancer in my left breast and I also had calcifications that were removed. My cancer had clear margins of 5mm and my calcifications had clear margins of 2mm. I also had 3 lymph nodes removed that were all clear. I feel very lucky. Chemo was not needed and I was given the choice to have radio and endocrine therapy. My cancer was slow growing my Ki-67 was 5 which is low. I chose not to have radio. I did take anastrozole when my surgery was delayed due to me catching covid and a 2nd virus before my surgery. My surgeon told me to stop taking it just before my surgery and I did notice I was constipated and I never get constipated. My oncologist said to take benifibre if that happens again because I have external haemorrhoids that bled for a few weeks and were painful. I was on it for less than 2 weeks and im not sure if the medication caused my problem or the effects of surgery. After reading the information leaflet I saw what other side effects I may get.