9 years agoMember
Hi everyone.
I'm just after some advice.
My wife was diagnosed with stage 3 BC early last year. She had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy. It was a tumultuous year for the whole family. She is now ...
I can understand both points of view. On your wifes side, shes gotten a second chance at life and intends to live it to the full. She will also have a bit of depression and wine helps with self medication. Yep we all know what we should/shouldn't be doing but its not that easy.
Rather than express the concern for alcohol perhaps setting off another cancer (something which she would be fully aware of which makes her more depressed) perhaps you can take an everything in moderation stand on things? Ask her to keep herself a private little list of every alcoholic beverage she has each day. See if she can moderate and better that a bit to drink just a little less on average. Yes there might be parties where moderation get forgotten but on the whole scheme of long term life, she might be able to settle down to a happy compromise of drinking in moderation.