First Event

Hi All,
I held my first Mini Field event on the 11/10/14 in QLD, it was a beautiful sunny day, the event was alot of hard work - more that i origanally thought it would be but we got to meet some lovely people and make contact with people in the community who have breast cancer, we offered resources, support and information and enjoyed the day greatly, i would like to thatnk my family for all there help with this event and a good day was had by all.
Pictures to come watch this space!
Hi Di - this is wonderful :-) I am so glad that the hard work paid off and you were able to meet people and connect with the community. We would love to see photos of your mini feild ~ you can post a photo by going to the camera sign on the top, browsing your photo files and inserting the images ~ cant wait to see them all :-)
Jess x