Secondary breast cancer awareness

Pamelamary Member Posts: 240
edited September 2014 in Community news and events

Just received the latest issue of The Beacon, and delighted to see Maxine Morand's front page article highlighting October 13, Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day. We metsters are very keen to see BCNA giving full recognition to this event.

And of course, the great photo and feature on Sharon, who spoke at the Field of Women 2014!

However, what those who don't subscribe to The Inside Story have missed are two incredibly moving articles by Simone and Trevor, who are really telling it like it is.

Thanks to all..... Pam


  • Jeanie
    Jeanie Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Hi Pam

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the latest issue of our magazines. We always love to get feedback so we can try to make each issue as relevant and interesting as possible for our readers.

    It was very generous of Simone and Trevor to share their stories with such honesty. We are always looking for personal stories for The Inside Story. If you would be interested in sharing your story Pam, I'd love for you to send it through. If you'd like more information feel free to email me at



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