3rd time cancer

I will be turning 60 next month in 199I at the age of 37 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After having a lumpectomomy & 6 months chemo & 7 years on Tamoxafen. I was all clear for 20years then in 2011 I was diagnosed again with another cancer (in the same breast) which once again I had a lumpectomy & 6 weeks radi as the doctors said that chemo wasn't necessary for this cancer. 12 months later in 2012 I went for my annual mamma & ultra sound where they picked up another cell in my opposite breast (this one being HER2+), again I had a lumpectomy & this time Radi & Chemo I'm still having a course of Herceptin via a porta cath every 3 weeks I finish this course in March this year. I was tested for the BRCA1 & BRCA2 gene but even though I don't appear to have this gene the test are saying "inconclusive" because not enough known of family history. My surgeon is now advising me to have a bilateral mastectomy & after speaking to a cosmetic surgeon a DIEP flap reconstruction. I'm wondering has anyone had a cancer re-occur after actually having had a masectomy as any feed back on this may help me make my decision as to whether I opt to have the bilateral mastecomy a lot easier.
Hi Kek, what bad luck getting breast cancer 3 times. On this site you will come across others who had had BC more than once. I have had a bilateral mastectomy, but only had cancer in one breast. This didn't show up on a mammogram, so I was always worried that the same thing could happen again. My cancer was also larger than what they thought they were after, so following a lumpectomy I went back for a mastectomy, and then 9 months later, after recovering from chemo I had the other one off and the start of reconstruction with expanders. I believe the chance of getting cancer following a mastectomy is greatly reduced, but I don't think it is 0%. something like 4% I think. I felt I couldn't really trust a mammogram, so I was happy with my choice, and I haven't had any regrets.
Love Chris xx0 -
Hi Kek, what bad luck getting breast cancer 3 times. On this site you will come across others who had had BC more than once. I have had a bilateral mastectomy, but only had cancer in one breast. This didn't show up on a mammogram, so I was always worried that the same thing could happen again. My cancer was also larger than what they thought they were after, so following a lumpectomy I went back for a mastectomy, and then 9 months later, after recovering from chemo I had the other one off and the start of reconstruction with expanders. I believe the chance of getting cancer following a mastectomy is greatly reduced, but I don't think it is 0%. something like 4% I think. I felt I couldn't really trust a mammogram, so I was happy with my choice, and I haven't had any regrets.
Love Chris xx0 -
Hi Chris, thank you for your reply I'm sure that this site is going to be very helpful to me and many, many others. Unfortunately this sort of support wasn't around when I had my 1st bc & with the 2nd I wasn't aware or maybe I thought I was strong enough to deal with things but after reading comments & the loving & reassuring words from others from now on I will be visiting quite often I feel like I have found a friend(s) :-)). I think that your a very strong person to go through with the mastectomy & I hope I also find the strength to do this also. Just seeing the words that you were happy with your choice & have no regrets is a big help to me. Unfortunately after the 3rd time it's getting harder to deal with it, although I have always tried to maintain a positive attitude & just get on with living my life to the fullest. Once again thanks and hope we speak again soon
Cheers Kek xxx
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I just read your post and I have to say you are one tough lady. You must feel like you're on the BC merry go round and can't get off. I am so upset for you. But I think you have shown the little monster cells that they can't beat you. I've only had BC the once and that's enough for me. I decided to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction after 6 months of chemo. I could not stand the thought of it coming back in my other breast and going through chemo again. There is a lot of comments that we are brave but I've always thought that it's what we have to do, we have no choice. But Kek I really think you ARE brave after all you have been through especially knowing what to expect each time.
There is a fantastic group here called 'Breast Reconstruction' which has stories and photos from women who have gone down the reconstruction path in various procedures and their experiences with them. It's totally private and the posts can only be seen by the group's members. If you are interested to join and read and see photos of other ladies experiences, here's the link to the group page.
Louise Turner (Louie) started the group, she is just the most generous and helpful lady and I have been a member since the beginning. I had the DIEP/TRAM flap procedure and so did Louie and you can read about ours and others experience with this.
I'm sending you lots of hugs Kek and I hope whatever your further journey is, it all goes well.
Love Janey xxx0 -
Hi Janey thanks for your reply... & no I'm not brave I feel I just have to do what I have to do. There are so many a lot worse off than I am, although I'm getting a little "annoyed" ...for want of a better word (I have some but don't think it would be appropriate to use them LOL!!) anyway I thank you for your beautiful words and because I'm thinking of having the Deip flap recons I want as much info as I can get. I think your courage to go through with something like this is tremendous & I hope that I can find it in my heart & mind to go through with it too. I will definately be looking into the site thank you for that. I can feel the love coming from this site already and I have only been a member a few days. Here's hugs back atchya
Cheers Kek xxx
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Nice to know you are feeling the love. That's the incredible thing about this site. We are all strangers but we are all sisters and there's nothing like chatting with those that perfectly understand this journey.
I'll just hop onto the BR group site to approve you and give you the "official" welcome. I'm now assisting Louie with facilitating the group as I t's grown enormously (which is sad really) in the few months that it's been in existence and Louie has done a great job facilitating and researching for us all. But she has asked me to help with a few general admin tasks which I'm most happy to do for her. I can give a little back to her.
Love Janey xxx0 -
well must admit didn't get much sleep last night...so many stories & journeys to be told/read I thank all the ladies on this site for allowing me to become one of their "sisters" and I'm sure the site is going to be a fountain of knowledge for me. Looking foward to reading, laughing & sometimes even crying with my new found friends. Thank you Janey & Louie for welcoming me with open minds, hearts & arms xxx
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You're very welcome Kek.
Janey xxx0