Back on track for Christmas

Wishing everyone a pleasant and peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
I am coping with full-time work better each week, having a day here and there where I collapse when I get home. Breast tenderness is still an issue but I am looking forward to wearing a bra again in the New Year! I want to thank you all for being there for me, Suz xxx
Happy Christmas to you, too, Suz! Glad to hear you're feeling better, and all the best for 2011!
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Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you have all received precious things from Santa too. Santa bought me a magic mouse to better click my post to you. The best pressie is to be able to talk to you all like minded survivors. I am starting on Tamoxifen on New Years Day - thought I'd wait 'til the big days are over before I start - and I have a few medical checks with Gynae etc. in January to keep a check on my progress and possible reactions. I'm creating an artwork for an exhibition in March with the theme 'Women behind the Wheel' - maybe I'll call it 'year of the breast' as I've been listening to that song from Al Stewart called 'Year of the Cat' 2011 here I come and nothing is going to hold me back!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL.
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Happy Christmas and New Year! Glad you feel better. thanks for the best wishes. I had a good Christmas as my sister came to stay with her family. My son and daughter in law helped with the cooking. So I survived the catering - only just. Very tired and on edge now they have all the house is like working in a sauna here in wet Brissie. Just gave up and put the air con on.
I see the onc on Jan 6, i wonder if she will advise me to go on medication too. I am concerned about the effects, especially on bone density. This just goes on......decisions, decisions.
Post Xmas stress here...
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Hi Lyn,
that's why I am trying Tamoxifen because I have to have my back fused next year and I already have osteopenia so aromatose inhibitors would not help at all. Hopefully I will be able to tolerate them long enough to get some bone density back and then have the back op. If I can't use Tamoxifen I will have to have an infusion to strengthen my bones before I can have surgery.
I have been researching the GP website and found some useful info at and found lots of good information - my GP uses the site - it is a great site for searches and only has tried and tested information on it.
I have had the family for Christmas and they all helped out so although I was very tired I survived. I am now off most of the medications except for my back and am still having trouble sleeping - hence the midnight ramblings - do you have any suggestions? I am dog tired but when I hit the sack I can't sleep just lay there tossing and turning. The cold snap we are having has not helped either, it was all of 8 degrees celsius this morning when I went outside with a southerly blasting from Antarctica, maybe your wet sauna would be better for me!
I hope your post Xmas stress eases soon, Love Suz
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Ok, well for yo,u tamoxifen would be better than arimidex I guess as Tamoxifen is supposed to "Stimulate bone density" - but by how much? I reckon both drugs are questionable because they may only give a small percentage of lowered risk of reoccurrance - whereas they can really pack a punch with real effects to lifestyle and general health? I don't want the flushes and sleeplessness getting worse than they already are! So I am yet to decide. Doing research on line this week.
I am doing swimming twice a week and longer dog walks twice a day so I am sleeping better. I also find that camomile tea actually works! At Xmas time I actually took a sleeping tablet on two nights...I was hyped up with guests staying! but that is unusual for me.
I also find meditation helps - daily. So now I am on leave I will make a point to do it regularly. It seems to calm me so my mind is not racing so much. I find a lot of the sleeplessness at night is caused by worrying and mental churning.
Back luck about your back, good luck with the op.
Write back - what made you agree to Tamoxifen? What sold you on it?
Lyn x
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Hi Lyn,
firstly I wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year.
The decision was made after talking to the bone specialist and the alternative was to have an infusion of Aclasta and the side effects from that meant a few days at least to recover and then bone pain, nausea, etc. etc...the list goes on if I decided to go with the inhibitors. So if I can take tamoxifen for a few years and then go on to aromatase inhibitors when my back is finally fixed, it will probably take a good 6 months to get my bone density up enough to have the op, then I will be happy. I am going to try Efexor to help with any increases in hot flushes - the research I've done is positive for it to work well. I have decided to start the Tamoxifen on New Years Day so tomorrow is the big day. I'll let you know how I go.
Have a great time tonight, Suz xxx