Sense of humour

NaturalBel Member Posts: 542
edited November 2013 in General discussion

Funny comment no 1
"Did you shave your head or something?"

Funny comment no 2
"Did you perm your hair?"

Response no 1
Me, "I did Shave for a Cure!"

Response no 2
Me, "Instant Chemo Hair.  short, curly and "Who the hell stole my fringe" look!"

hAHAHAHAHAH, and I thought to myself, thank god I have a good sense of humour, some one else would have been offended.  



  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    Imagine if you had just had a really bad hair cut, Bel! I can't believe people actually comment. We should wear our Chemo hairdos as a badge of honor for what we have endured. People have no idea!

    I have given up on wearing a wig most of the time now. It has been too windy and I live in constant fear of it blowing off or back at the sides to reveal that wiggy look!
    I have very little hair so I stick to my very secure little turban hats. But it is amazing how many people ignore me when I enter a shop etc and talk to my daughter or husband instead! It is awful how people do not know how to handle anyone with a physical difference.

    Empathy or even just good manners are sadly missing.
    But for every bad reaction I have had lots of lovely ones too. :) Deanne xx
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    Imagine if you had just had a really bad hair cut, Bel! I can't believe people actually comment. We should wear our Chemo hairdos as a badge of honor for what we have endured. People have no idea!

    I have given up on wearing a wig most of the time now. It has been too windy and I live in constant fear of it blowing off or back at the sides to reveal that wiggy look!
    I have very little hair so I stick to my very secure little turban hats. But it is amazing how many people ignore me when I enter a shop etc and talk to my daughter or husband instead! It is awful how people do not know how to handle anyone with a physical difference.

    Empathy or even just good manners are sadly missing.
    But for every bad reaction I have had lots of lovely ones too. :) Deanne xx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,320
    edited March 2015
    The worst I heard was the day I finally decided to ditch the wig at work. Non of my clients knew of my diagnosis and one man(who is actually really nice and would die if he knew the truth) asked me if I had had a fight with a lawn mower. He was an older man. My sister and I call it senior Tourette's as many older people seem to think they can say whatever they like without thinking it might hurt or offend someone. Sometimes my own parents fall into that category. Luckily I, like you have a great sense of humour.
    Keep smiling.
    Paula :)
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    I think you are known on here for your sense of humour and great attitude.Good on you!
  • Casjsa
    Casjsa Member Posts: 181
    edited March 2015

    I was floored yesterday.  Not by a comment on my breast cancer or my lack of hair, I haven't had chemo yet so no one could tell that I'd had breast cancer. 

    A colleague of mine referred to a mistake I made when I was just beginning to write as a journalist.  Admittedly it was a big mistake and at the time I thought it was the end of my career but she told me it was like an initiation and everyone made it sooner or later and that I was lucky that it was sooner.

    She brought the mistake up yesterday in a manner that I found to be nasty and rude and I was hurt that she would do that when she knows very well that my emotions are somewhat all over the shop.

    I took her to task in an email last night because I knew that if I'd said anything at the time in a room full of people I would regret it later.  Sometimes you just have to hold it in, think about it, understand that people who don't know how to react often react badly.  I often find myself thinking about other people first and hoping that my illness doesn't negatively effect them or their view of me.  Thats sad.

    I can giggle as well and I will giggle at myself first and foremost.  Today I was wearing a headscarf in the manner of Molly in A Country Practice if anyone can remember.  Wide scarf, headband style with a big bow on top.  If you knew me that is seriously ridiculous and funny :)


  • NaturalBel
    NaturalBel Member Posts: 542
    edited March 2015

    At the same time as my Cancer situation this year, my husband's best friend died, and so between myself, and a grieving widow,  ( who is still struggling with her loss of course), we have had lots of delicate feelings to consider.  This year has been the worst year we have ever had.  At times I have been a little over zealous with my, well Im ok now, so lets all be happy, attitude.

    One of the ladies on BCNA let me know that not every one is in my situation, some dont have the good news, some dont have a future, or some just cant spring back.  I was not offended by her message, in fact, I really understood it, because although I have the "All Clear" today, doesnt mean I think its all done and dusted for me.  Especially being a triple negative, and did have counselling to get my head right, (at the end of all the chemo and rads), so I could be positive at this stage, go back to work and try to get some money in the bank.

    I learnt a big lesson this week, at some stage any one of us can say the wrong thing at the wrong time, or just say something without thought.   I just get on here each day with one goal, to make new ladies feel like we understand.

     I hope from now on, I will remain mindful that some-times, a sense of humour, is all we have left!