things are improving and humbling

My mother is in hospital but she is stabilised and looking better. She thinks they will kick her out tomorrow...I am hoping that she remains in at least until Monday morning.
I am so very tired I would personally appreciate the extra day "off".
AND I think an extra day for her would be beneficial to ensure that she doesn't slip backwards again.
God works in mysterious hear it all the time....and then you see the evidence. The cleaner at the hospital is a woman who has been on this journey at the same time. I mentioned the difficulty I had experienced with the transport for the surgery and she only need to call me and I will take time off work to get you down and back. I understand what you are going through..........and that was a humbling moment.......
What a beautiful story - it brought tears - happy ones. I don't think family and friends 'get it' when we have been strong all our lives, but our pink sisters always do. Thank you for such a lovely post. Michelle xxxx