Calling all Perth ladies for our next get together

We have set a date for 5th October, which is coming around very quickly now.
We will be going to BREAKWATER, HILLARYS BOAT HARBOUR, 58 Southside Drive, Hillarys. We will meet at the Breakwater for 1pm. We can eat, drink (hot or cold beverages) and be merry together. We can also idle through the shops after that which are in the Harbour and maybe even treat our sweet tooth with an icecream or some such delight.
As our table looked so wonderful with all the beautiful pink plus our BCNA ladies on the table and some of our ladies in pink. It would be lovely if you could wear something pink in your hair or pinned on your clothes like a flower on your jacket or even fresh flower/s. Just as something to make us all look special as part of BCNA. We fully understand if this is not something you want to do and we will be far from offended if you chose not to.
I am not a frilly person but I make exceptions for BCNA ? hahahahaha
I hope and wish you girls are all travelling well and happy and making the most of every minute of every day – as we all know, that can be hard sometimes but we gotta do it!!!!.
Looking forward to catching up with the girls I have seen before and luv lots and so looking forward to seeing any fresh faces join us.
C U All very soon girls, lots of love today, tomorrow and always.
Mich xoxoxoxo