
Member Posts: 8
Hi all you beautiful people out there. So privilaged to belong to a group like this!Had my 2nd dose of weekly chemo today. Trying so hard to remain strong........ very hard as it's my third round........ last in 2011 and 1995.How do you beautiful ladies do it? I'm suffering from anxiety and panic attacks beyond my control!I do have 3 wonderful daughters and friends who are wonderful and very supportive.Unfortunately my 2 brothers are unable to cope with my illness's!!!I put on a brave face in front of my family and friends who all think that l'm so stoic.......but l'm not in private.Live on my own so l guess that compounds my anxieties!!??Do walk, practice T.M. eat healthily, listen to beautiful music, not depressed and surround myself with positive people........but still get anxious+++
Hey Mimca, welcome to our group and glad you have found us. Your third round hey, that must be tough. I don't know how some of these beautiful ladies do it but they do. Have you seeked help for your panic attacks as you don't need to live with those as well as all the other stuff you have had to deal with. Amaziing how big strong marcho men can't cope with our illness. I am sure you would be there for them no matter what. That is not fair. You don't have to put on a brave face to protect everyone else because you are the one that needs protecting now and needs love and support so let people know how you are feeling. You do not have to do this alone. You have found some lovely pink sisters that are here for you every step of the way. You have reached out for us so reach out to your family and friends and lean on them as well. It is hard living on your own but I am glad you can take advantage of some of the good things in life like walking and music and looking after yourself. You need to seek help with your anxiety and I am sure that will help you feel better. You can connect with other pink sisters through this site by joining a support group. Click on this link http://www.bcna.org.au/membergroup/search and it will help you find support groups in your area.Thinking of you and wishing you well and the strength to keep brave. Good luck with seeking help and reaching out. We are here for you for a chat, to vent, to cry anytime you need us.Lots of love,Mich xoxoxo0
Welcome warrior, well that's what you must be if coming up for the third time, how much can a person go through without anxiety, you must know crying and screaming and swearing is ok get it out sometime it's a great relief, and mitch is right dont be afraid to get help, i found the breast care nurses especially helpful,and blog blog to all of us , we will listen . Love and hugs adean0
Welcome warrior, well that's what you must be if coming up for the third time, how much can a person go through without anxiety, you must know crying and screaming and swearing is ok get it out sometime it's a great relief, and mitch is right dont be afraid to get help, i found the breast care nurses especially helpful,and blog blog to all of us , we will listen . Love and hugs adean0
Thank you for your thoughtful postings...........l was a bit overwhelmed!I am feeling a little better, just to have someone respond and understand as to what l am going through! We are all going on our own journies and deal with it as best we can.....and l am trying!!?? So if some of you can deal with mine at times.....l am ever so grateful. Love to all mimca0
Hey MimcaI am so glad we are able to help you get through. It is a very tough road but we are here for you. We can help you deal with things for you as they come to hand so come back any time and just get it out there. That is what this site is all about and that is what us, your pink sisters are here for. To help.Lots of love always, Mich xoxoxoxo0