Coming Together 'Splash and Chat'

Last year I was lucky enough to be offered the use of a private indoor swimming pool to help me with my exercise during and after Breast cancer treatment, as I was having trouble walking any distance (dicky knees), this was a god send, as I love swimming and the benefits are just fantastic.
The owners have now given me the opportunity to invite other cancer sufferers/ surviviors to join me. Alas we now have our SLASH and CHAT group of 5 using this wonderful facility, free of charge.
It has not only given us the chance to exercise without pressure and help with lymphodema but has created new frienships (as this journey is renown for) and support for each other. Our journeys are all quite different so our knowledge has also increased in a relaxed way.
The wonderful owners have offered there pool as their way of supporting locals through this journey, and we thank them sincerely.
What a great idea and how generous of the pools owners! Hopefully you will see an increase to your group members and continue to provide support.
Keep us updated on how you go :-)
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What a great idea and how generous of the pools owners! Hopefully you will see an increase to your group members and continue to provide support.
Keep us updated on how you go :-)
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Thanks Daina, yes we hope to gather a few more together soon. Some are a bit shy because of losing a breast but will gentle encouragement we are hoping to get them along soon. I am attending the Sydney Summit next month so will have lots to pass on.0
Fantastic! I will see you in Sydney then.
I am running a session for 'Developing supportive communities online' maybe I could use your group as an example of connecting in an online environment :-)
I will be in touch soon.
Cheers, Daina
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Cool, I haven't actually booked into that one, sorry, but it will be great to meet you and by all means use our group as an example, it would be a priviledge to have you share our idea with others. Cheers Sue.0
Today we welcomed back Margie who has just finished 7 weeks of raiotherapy, travelling to Launceston (2hours) each way, every day. We are very fortunate to have a transport to treatment bus supplied for us, so our treatment becomes a friendship club with a bus load every day. Margie has come thru very well and is now able to "SPASH and CHAT" with us once again. She enjoyed sharing stories of her journey and some of us were able to relate and remember our own treatmet times.0
Thankyou to BCNA for an awesome Summit once again, one of my Splash and Chat Ladies accompanied me to her first one and was blown away with the event. It has given her a new outlook on life, answered some of her questions regarding re construction and has empowered her to take control of her life. She held a PINK PARTY in the PARK recently and raised awareness and funds for the cause.
Our Splash and Chat group is going along nicely, we now have 15 members with 2 new ladies last week. We don't have a Bakers Delight outlet near us so we are taking orders and travelling 2 hours each way to collect them and holding a PINK BUN Banquet on the 19th as a collection point. We already have about 13dozen orders and still counting. Our guest speaker for next month will be from Hospice. Cheers3 -
How generous is that.0