Webinar: 'Breast Cancer in my Family - What does that mean for me?'

***REMINDER: the breast cancer in the family online webinar is TONIGHT, 25 JUNE***
Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know about a free online webinar that's been organised by Cancer Council Victoria, that anyone around the country can participate in.
'Breast Cancer in my Family - What does that mean for me?'
Date: Tuesday 25th June
Time: 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Topic information:
Only 5-10% of breast cancer is linked to known genetic factors, however recent media spotlight on this topic has resulted in an increase in questions relating breast cancer in the family.
An online webinar organised by Cancer Council Victoria, with support from BCNA, will address some of these questions.
Mary-Anne Young, Senior Genetic Counsellor at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, will be the guest speaker. There will be a significant amount of time allocated for questions and discussion, as well as referring participants to useful resources or support services.
So, if you, your family members, or friends, have concerns about how family history or genetics may influence individual cancer risk, you might like to log on from the comfort of home, and learn more.
Registration essential!
Registration is free, although it is important that anyone wishing to participate pre-registers to give an indication of numbers.
To register, complete the online Registration form on the Cancer Council Victoria website, or phone 13 11 20.
If you'd like to let someone else know about the event, you can send them a link to the BCNA event listing: http://www.bcna.org.au/bcna/event/free-webinar-breast-cancer-your-family