Mini Field of Women in Sunny Rockhampton

We had the best day. I was easily noticed in the pink tutu. My husband wants me to throw it out "You'll never wear it again" Bull.... it will show up again even if it is only to dance around with my little granddaughter. (Santa will have to bring her one too) It was a very moving day. The Dragonboat ladies were there assisting me to set up etc etc. It was a great time for us to all be together. Even one of our members who has secondaries and has been diagnosed for about the third time showed up with hubby and mother. We haven't seen her for ages. That was lovely. She will be requesting a Hopes and Hurdles kit as she has never received one before. We had lots of lovely people come through and I found out some family connections of friends that I wasn't aware of. A couple of very touching moments:
. Young dad and little daughter (about 4 or 5) pulled up and came over. Little miss wanted to know what all the pink balloons were about. They sampled our mini muffins and walked through the silohuettes and little miss went off with a BCNA balloon.
. A new landcruiser pulled up - it was full of young people or a family. A young man (about 17) got out and very confidently approached our group of women who were resting under the shade of the trees. When I went to greet him he put out his hand and said "This is for you" and handed me a $10 donation.
. Whilst we were waiting for the newspaper photographer to arrive to capture the release of the 100 pink helium balloons, a young woman and her teenage daughter arrived. They wanted to know what we were doing. She told me that she had just lost her best friend to BC - aged 37 with 3 small children - youngest 2 years old - TODAY!!!!! We all gave her a group hug and she placed a message on one of the ladies.
The release of the balloons was amazing - the 100 balloons stayed together and soared to the sky. God only knows what any inconing pilots thought. More to come tomorrow with my first "story time" I will let you know how it goes.XLeonie
you are a legen Leonie,and yes you keep that tutu, you never know, maybe one day we will all meet again, and we would love to see you in it. so glad your mini fields are going well, look forward to hearing more. GO GIRLS!!!!!!
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well done Leonie, so nice to read your story. My son's mini-field is this friday so will let you know how it goes, we too have 100 balloons so am excitted for the release, will be putting a best wishes and good health tag on several balloons for all my network champion girlfriends....Shirl, Moira and you, just for starters, go girls.............. xxxx
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well done Leonie, so nice to read your story. My son's mini-field is this friday so will let you know how it goes, we too have 100 balloons so am excitted for the release, will be putting a best wishes and good health tag on several balloons for all my network champion girlfriends....Shirl, Moira and you, just for starters, go girls.............. xxxx
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You girls are so lovely. Every time I log into the site and read your comments I have a "sook". XLeonie
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You girls are so lovely. Every time I log into the site and read your comments I have a "sook". XLeonie
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You girls are so lovely. Every time I log into the site and read your comments I have a "sook". XLeonie
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well done Leonie, the photo looks a real fun photo, well done, will write more about mine once i get it al together, are you on facebook? Moira
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Hi Moira
Lovely to "see" you back. I hope all is well with you and your tests. I am so exhausted after the "festivities". We went away last weekend to boot!!!!! I can't catch my breath - literally - still battling the effects of pneumonia. I still have to send back my pink ladies. Each night after work I think this is it but I'm too tired to pack everything up. I was happy with the $$$$$ that I was able to send back to BCNA. I now know "how to do it" so next year will be bigger and better. I look forward to some photos from everyones activities. Yes I am on Facebook - just request me as a friend. Keep well XLeonie